Blog about the Cannabis Plant

Welcome to this blog with information about cannabis, recipes, related news, growing theory, promotions and reviews of new marijuana strains. We appreciate and respect your opinion, leave your comments on the articles and rate them with stars! Since 2001 Natural Experience marijuana seeds.

In this cannabis Blog we have been working for many years to spread awareness about the marijuana plant. When Experiencia Natural opened in 2001 we were confident that cannabis would soon be regulated in Spain, but two decades later, the situation in our country has not changed yet. Fortunately this is not the case in most democratic countries in the world, where medical marijuana, if not adult use, has been regulated.

We hope that soon, both patients and adults, will have the right to be able to grow and use marijuana, a plant with many applications already recognized by science, as can be seen in the most famous science and medicine online forums, such as Pubmed.

Within this site you can find all kinds of cannabis articles related, they are organized in several categories to make the search for a content easier. You can also use our search engine to find the article you are most interested in.

Within the marijuana activism section, we offer you content related to the plant's legality. For example, regulations that are updated, countries that legalize or actions taken by groups in society to obtain their rights.

We continue with the seed banks section, here we write monographs on the most reputable seed manufacturers in the world. This is the best place to get information about seed banks, as we tell you the history of their creation, highlighting the people who made them possible, as well as their trajectory and most famous strains.

Then, you have the tricks category, a place to learn tips that are not directly related to growing marijuana. From how to clean a bong efficiently, to the theory behind different types of resin extractions. We also do some detailed product reviews.

Followed by the growing marijuana section, this is where we tell you all the theory behind planting, growing, flowering and harvesting cannabis plants. From the most basic and elementary techniques, to the most advanced growing tricks.

In the history of marijuana section the contents focus on two aspects, the first is related to people who have had a decisive influence on the development or vision of marijuana, the second focuses on those milestones in history that have marked a before and after for this plant.

Contents under the name marijuana news deal with current events that can or have changed the legality of marijuana in the world.

In the risk reduction section we show you the good practices that every user should consider putting into practice, the consumption of cannabis or other substances is not without risks, that is why it is better to know them and act accordingly to reduce them as much as possible.

In recipes with marijuana we offer you a lot of culinary preparations where the special ingredient is marijuana. You can also find guides for cooking with cannabis, as well as tips of all kinds related to the consumption of marijuana by mouth

Finally, in the categories of varieties of marijuana we prepare monographs on the most outstanding and award-winning cannabis strains. Here you can find more information than what we offer you in our marijuana seeds shop.
