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Advanced techniques to increase marijuana yields

In this article we are going to take a basic look at several techniques that can increase marijuana crop yields to very high levels. These techniques are for medium to advanced users, who know how to assess the risks of applying them, as we manipulate the plant to the point of modifying it and really damaging it. If you want some tips for your first steps visit our article on how to increase marijuana production with basic techniques.

We will look at a very basic and low-risk technique first, and then move on to a second one, Supercropping, which almost all growers consider to be of medium difficulty and quite efficient. And finally, a rather extreme technique that we only recommend to use for specific purposes, either to test with SCROG or to compete to get the biggest bud, the Lollypopping.

How to increase the marijuana harvest?

Throughout the growth of marijuana plants, in addition to giving them the right light, humidity, temperature and fertiliser, we can implement other simple growing techniques that allow us to increase the harvest and have more and/or larger buds.

These techniques are very simple and are based on the same principle: manipulate the plant in such a way that it directs its energy and hormones to where we are interested in increasing the harvest. To do this, we have to take away the things that absorb energy unnecessarily and put the plant through a bit of stress that will make it stronger.

Some of the best known methods have already been discussed previously and you can consult them in this article on apical pruning and FIM pruning (Fuck, I Missed!).

Removing diseased or damaged leaves

Let’s start with the simplest technique that everyone can do. If you have some experience growing, you have probably already put this elementary technique to increase yields into practice on more than one occasion: removing bad leaves.

It is just a matter of removing those leaves that show signs of disease, necrosis or similar. What we will achieve is that the energy that the plant would have spent on maintaining these leaves will be devoted to the healthy parts and flower production.

But be careful not to confuse “discoloured” with “diseased”. You know that towards the end of flowering many leaves start to yellow, but this is a normal process. Some leaves are falling off and those that remain serve as an energy reserve, which the plant will feed on until the buds have matured.

It is not advisable to cut off healthy leaves, even if you think they are very large and block the light, as the plant keeps its reserves in them and is also capable of filtering some light in its leaves.


Supercropping is very effective and easy, but it is difficult the first time. Not because of the complexity of the procedure, but because the immediate objective is to stress and damage the plant. You have to squeeze and bend it, and that usually goes against our instincts, but the result is excellent, and it manages to increase the harvest considerably.


To make the energy redirection more effective, it is usually done on the central stem or on the larger branches, and on plants over 20 cm. When you know where you are going to implement the technique, take the stem between your fingertips, squeeze it until you feel a crunch and the stem has flattened a little. That should be enough, and a little water may come out. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Then fold it up. That’s it.

The first beneficiaries are the branches and leaves below the wound, which now receive more energy to develop, and this translates into an increase in bud production. The rapid healing ability of cannabis also manages to restore the fibres and vascular system in just a couple of days. And little by little you will see a noticeable strengthening of the stem, where once it was bent, it is now wide, with a hard knot, and able to support more weight and wind.

In addition to the advantages already mentioned, supercropping is also a good option when you want to control the height of the plant or its size. A little silicate can enhance the strengthening effect of this technique.


Supercropping is not without its misgivings, but it is also known to give excellent results. Lollipopping is a more brutal technique, and not everyone is convinced by it. While it is not used to increase yields in general terms, what it does guarantee is large buds.

A lollipop is a lollipop, or for the practical purposes of this article, a stick with a ball on the end. Lollipopping consists of peeling the branches to near the end, leaving only the buds at the tip. These, having no competition, will boost their development by receiving a large dose of energy and hormones.

If you are willing to remove the vast majority of shoots, grasp the stem between thumb and forefinger below about the fourth node. Place both hands in this way, one under the other. The top buds are the ones that will remain intact, and everything underneath is going to die. Ready? The hand on top should be steady, firm, and the other hand, with gentle pressure, should go down to the base, taking all the buds with it along the way.

The harvest will not have as many buds, but each one will be as big as possible. Lollipopping is recommended not only for bud lovers but also for SCROG crops.

Just remember that there are seeds that, by themselves, produce much more than others, visit our section on the most productive marijuana seeds and if you want to learn more techniques and tricks for your crop visit our section on marijuana growing.

Image taken from The Clinic Colorado.

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Advanced techniques to increase marijuana yields
Advanced techniques to increase marijuana yields Supercropping y lollipopping son dos técnicas de cultivo muy sencillas que te ayudarán a aumentar la cosecha y obtener más y mayores cogollos.
Cannabis Seeds

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