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How to deal with a marijuana whitey or whiteout

The marijuana whitey is something that many marijuana tasters are familiar with, even some novice users, so we thought it might be useful for many marijuana users to write an article like this one, where we give some tips to make this unwanted moment not so difficult to deal with. This is our guide to solutions for cannabis whiteness.

Persona mostrando signos de deshidratación y hambre, ilustrando las causas del ‘bajón’ tras el consumo de marihuana

The marijuana slump is that fateful moment when, for one reason or another, your plant friend is taking you into dangerous territory, where your body and mind start to feel lost, and this is common with very potent marijuana strains. It’s the dark side of cannabis! And it’s not advisable to meet it in person, but it can happen to everyone at some time, and that’s why we offer you a series of risk reduction techniques, in the form of simple tips to help you deal with it better.

What is the “slump” and why does it happen?

As mentioned above, the “comedown” after marijuana use refers to a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion, often accompanied by dizziness or drowsiness. Scientifically, this occurs mainly due to a drop in glucose levels in the body, as well as extreme muscle relaxation. The former is also known as a hypoglycaemic reaction, the intensity of which varies depending on the state of the body before consuming marijuana and the amount of marijuana you consume, as well as the potency and biochemical structure of the marijuana.

In our personal view, we are going to describe some types of comedowns, as well as some solutions that can be used to recover from them as quickly as possible.

Types of marijuana comedown and tricks to recover from them

Although sometimes symptoms of different types of comedowns can occur together, in this article we will treat each comedown separately, so that they are more easily recognisable. Keep in mind that what is happening is a result of the smoking and that you will soon be well again. So try to be calm and relaxed, if you are with people and they are your real friends, tell them that you feel bad and that you need calm and security.

The sugar crash

Firstly, let’s talk about low blood sugar, which is a very common sugar crash. The symptoms are weakness and tingling all over the body. It happens when the body is a little low on glucose and smoking causes you to lose a lot of blood sugar. The problem with this low blood sugar is that it prevents you from moving around, keeping you very weak, and even if you try to move, it can make you dizzy. It has nothing to do with sweet marijuana in taste.

To avoid this, and many others, the most practical thing to do is to prepare a kit with sugar and always have it on hand to use when necessary. This list of foods is very personal and specific, but it will give you ideas of what can be good for you.

In order of priority and naturalness, first of all go for any food that provides vitamin C, especially fruit. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit and grapefruit juice are very useful for recovering from a cannabis crash. As for fruits with sugar, bananas provide a lot of energy and vitamins. Chocolates should also be in every kit, as they are a tremendous antidote, and among them I would highlight all those new milka chocolate bars with biscuit, toffee and various mixtures, which are a sugar bomb, as well as containing large quantities of cocoa, to your taste with similar products such as filipinos, chocolate bars (mars, twix, toblerone, etc…).

Sweets are good, but they don’t help you recover as quickly as a good hit of chocolate! Ice cream is also a very good ally.

The Whitey

Secondly, we will talk about the “whitey”. This is very hard because it usually appears without warning. It must also be said that it is a comedown that happens more to novice smokers. You have to eat it directly, and you can also administer some sugar to recover; the bad thing about it is that in many cases it comes with nausea and even vomiting, and of course, you don’t feel like eating anything.

To help with this downturn I would recommend as a solution brown sugar ingested directly (I recommend brown sugar as it is more natural, and feels better than white sugar, you can also use stevia or honey) or diluted in a little water, if it is hot, the better. It is also valid to recover from the marijuana whitey to take a relaxing infusion, hot and with a lot of sugar, it works. If you don’t have any of the sugars we mentioned, white sugar is always another valid option.

bajon de marihuana, remedios

For this downturn, it is very important not to lose your calm and stay relaxed while you fan yourself or wet your neck with cool water to get yourself back on your feet. The important thing is to remember that this state is temporary and in a while you will be fine.

The psychological comedown

And finally we are going to talk about the third and last type of comedown, the psychological comedown of marijuana, the most horrible of all, because it is the one that assaults your head with strange thoughts and does not allow you to rationalise coherently with the people or things around you. This low is dangerous because in certain cases you can commit some foolish things due to the paranoia that comes over you.

It often happens with psychedelic marijuana, in people who have not used it before and who, on their first use, take too much. Or, on the other hand, in people who are already used to it and have gone three times over the doses they normally tolerate. It can also be caused by mixing Cannabis with some other type of more cerebral substance (i.e. various chemicals) or with alcohol.

In these circumstances, the best thing to do is not to lose your cool, to relax as much as possible, which is a bit complicated, but possible. Consuming some sugar can be very useful, as in the rest of the whiplashes. Find the most comfortable position you can, and if you are able to lie down without getting dizzy, do so, and even go to sleep if you can, as this will put an end to the discomfort. Playing very relaxing music and trying to get into it is the best thing you can do to stop your head from spinning.

If all this doesn’t work, try telling yourself that you are farting, and that there is no point in worrying because in a while we will be back to our original state, there is no reason to worry. You have to avoid negative thoughts completely, you are in a state where reasoning does not work well, so the conclusions you can get are worse than being serene, leave the important or worrying issues out of your head until everything goes down.

Difference between THC “comedown” and THC Anxiety

It is important to differentiate between the “comedown” and THC anxiety, as the symptoms may be similar, but have different origins. The comedown is mainly characterised by physical exhaustion, drowsiness and low energy, while THC anxiety causes tachycardia, nervousness and racing thoughts. While the comedown is more related to a drop in glucose levels and muscle relaxation, THC anxiety occurs when the nervous system is overstimulated.

Final tips to avoid a marijuana withdrawal

It is very important that in cases like this, especially in beginner smokers, an expert smoker is always nearby to act as a caregiver, who knows how to take control of the situation to turn this dark trip into something more peaceful and relaxed, as in general any comedown is quite influenceable and it is important that this person lets himself be led by the caregiver and does not let his thoughts go to the dark side.

And these are our tips for dealing with the dark side of marijuana in a natural way, we hope they will be helpful for those difficult moments.

A few last general tips to avoid a cannabis slump are as follows:

  • No fumar demasiado bajo el sol o en estancias donde haga demasiado calor.
  • No fumar demasiado en ayunas.
  • No fumar durante o justo después de haber realizado una actividad física importante.
  • No mezclar con alcohol u otras drogas en proporciones elevadas (es difícil, lo sabemos)

When to Consult a Professional

Although the “comedown” after marijuana use is usually temporary and easy to manage, there are cases where it is advisable to seek medical help. If the symptoms of the comedown include shortness of breath, extreme dizziness or fainting, or if the person suffers from rapid and irregular heartbeat, it could be a major complication. Also, if the discomfort persists for several hours or days, it is important to consult a professional to rule out more serious problems.

Don’t hesitate to tell us about your experiences and tricks for when the dark side attacks, also remember that there are varieties of Cannabis that barely have THC, so they can’t produce a high, although it is true that some don’t produce a high either, have a look at them, they are the varieties that have high CBD.

Subscribe to our articles to receive them in your email and follow us on social networks. And now we recommend another very useful read, what cannabioinds are in the marijuana.

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How to deal with a marijuana whitey or whiteout
How to deal with a marijuana whitey or whiteout Cómo aprender a reconocer el bajón de marihuana, causas y cómo evitarlo, o al menos, hacerlo más llevadero.
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