How to get rid of mites on marijuana with organic solutions
One of the worst things that can happen to a cannabis grower is to suffer from a spider mite infestation or any other mite that attacks Cannabis. Getting rid of spider mites is no easy task, so you should always take preventative measures. Even so, if you have unfortunately had to suffer from them, there are techniques to get rid of them.
Get rid of cannabis mites now!
Mites are very similar to spiders, but much smaller, which makes them difficult to detect, and usually by the time they are seen with the naked eye it is too late because the colony is already all over the plant or a large part of it.
What are mites and why are they harmful?
Mites are tiny, often microscopic creatures that belong to the arachnid family. Although some mistake them for insects, they have eight legs and no antennae. There are different varieties of mites, which attack both indoor and outdoor marijuana crops. The biggest damage these pests do is that they break the plant’s cells and extract chlorophyll, which is essential for any plant to grow and develop in good health.
In addition, the mites reproduce at an incredible rate of only 8 days. The larvae develop in 3 days, and within 5 days of hatching they are sexually mature mites and can reproduce in turn. Considering that each female can lay around 50 eggs, the situation can easily get out of control if you don’t get rid of the mites quickly.
How can you detect mites on marijuana?
Because they are so small, it is very difficult – if not impossible – to detect mites with the naked eye. Some are as small as 0.2mm, so you would need a microscope. What is visible are some of the signs they leave behind as they colonise the plant. Like spiders, many varieties of mites spin webs to protect themselves from predators. They usually do this between leaves or on the underside of the leaf, where they make their colonies. If you see white webs on your plants, then you have a pest.
How to get rid of Cannabis mites?
Nature is wise, and most species have predators that prey on them and eradicate them. One of the most effective ways to get rid of mites is with their natural enemies. To combat mites try compost and mulch that will provide some predators, even other non-harmful mite varieties, and you will have the invaders at bay.
If you see ladybirds on your cannabis plants, rejoice, they have come to feed on mites too. You can even buy them online, but they will leave as soon as they run out of food.
Another option is to remove the mites by hosing them down or using a powerful sprayer. The water jet should have enough pressure to break the webs and sweep the mites and their larvae off the plant, although you must be careful not to overdo it and damage the leaves. Once the bugs are down, they will be weakened, unable to return to the leaves and will die from lack of food.
If none of these options work for you, there is another innovative and organic option: remove the mites with a hoover. Get a small one and carefully vacuum leaf by leaf, until the leaves are literally clean. Throw away the hoover bag containing the mites immediately, as they will still be alive and are remarkably resistant to heat. If you don’t throw it away, at least put it in the freezer, as the cold will kill them.
You can also use a special product to eliminate mites from marijuana, for example Neem oil, obtained directly from the resin of a tree, natural, without any additives or risk, it is perfect for killing mites and other marijuana pests.
We recommend you continue reading with our article on how to make a homemade fungicide to avoid fungi that can attack your marijuana crop.
Photo taken from Wikipedia.
Founder of Experiencia Natural, creative and entrepreneur, designer, master in grower and marketing. For a normalization of all plants and substances, giving priority to patients and users.