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Marijuana AK 47 from Serious Seeds, The Queen for life

The AK 47 is one of the most famous strains in history. It was created in the late ’90s by Simon from Serious Seeds and received the same name as the famous assault rifle, although it has no relation to war. Do you want to know more about AK 47 and the reason for its name? Enter this monograph, where we tell you everything about this variety, considered by many to be the queen of all existing marijuana strains.

If you want to buy the seeds of this marvel of cannabis, click on the following links. Otherwise, if you prefer to discover the story behind the legend, continue reading here.

Buy Feminized AK 47

Buy AK 47 regular

The Ak 47 is the most known marijuana plant

The original AK 47 is still exclusively sold by the Dutch bank Serious Seeds. Decades after its introduction to the market, it remains their most awarded and demanded strain. Probably, at this moment, we are talking about the most well-known marijuana strain in the world, as every cannabis fan recognizes this famous name.

Simon, the creator of Serious Seeds and AK 47, is a biologist who previously worked at the Sensi Seeds seed bank. After traveling the world in search of diverse cannabis genetics, he decided to establish his own seed bank, which eventually became one of the most respected in the industry. If you want to know more about the history of this bank, click on the following link. Otherwise, continue reading to learn more about the history of AK 47.

Serious Seeds es uno de lo sbancos de semilla sde marihuana con más tradición en Europa.

Serious Seeds

How was AK 47 created?

Simon is the creator of Serious Seeds and also of AK 47. He is a biologist who used to work for the Sensi Seeds seed bank and who, at a certain moment and after travelling the world in search of different Cannabis genetics, decided to create his own seed bank, which, in the end, became one of the most respected of the scene.

To create AK 47, the following Cannabis strains are combined: Afghan, Colombian, Mexican and Thai. Broadly speaking, we know their parentals, but Simon, being the clever person he is, has never revealed all the secrets of his creations. What we do know for sure is that this cocktail has positioned itself as the favorite of most people.

/Semillas de Marihuana/Feminizadas/SERIOUS SEEDS

Needless to say that the original AK 47 was created in regular version, the natural form of the Cannabis plant, capable of producing males and females. This is the most reliable way to know this legend, although for many years it is also available in feminized version. Let’s know a little more about its history.

The myth of the AK 47

Let me illustrate the matter a bit. As I said at the beginning, no matter what goes through your head before you take a puff of this wonder, when you smoke it, its potency and effervescence always deliver. The question is: How?

Well, that’s because AK 47 is a strain known in the cannabis world as a “one hit wonder”. This term is used in the music industry to refer to songs that shone by themselves only once and remained forever in the collective musical unconscious. Meanwhile, in the world of marijuana, we usually use this term to refer to those strains that only try them once and take us to heaven.

Simon himself acknowledges that getting to create the AK 47 was a stroke of luck, as this unique genetic profile has not yet been surpassed by other varieties created much more recently.

Effects of AK 47

Many see the AK-47 as a strain with a sativa, energizing and long lasting effect. The magazine Cáñamo Chile remarked that if you smoke this strain you will probably become the craziest and funniest character of the party, guiding us about its potent touch, which leaves no one indifferent. But, on the other hand, many aficionados agree that this strain generates a totally different effect, more indica, with less cerebral component and an overwhelming physical sensation.

In the 1999 Cannabis Cup it managed to generate the highest percentage of THC of all the participants, measured by an independent laboratory, the AK 47 reached 21.5%.

Be that as it may, its effect, sativa or indica, will always depend on how you grow it, but what we all agree on is that its effect is so satisfying that it deserves the title of cannabis heavyweights.

In California, an American state where the use of medical cannabis is allowed, this variety is widely used, mainly to treat depression.

The cultivation of AK 47

Its cultivation is recommended indoors, even if it is mainly Sativa, because it is a strain with a compact structure and dense buds. Outdoors it is also possible to obtain great results, as long as it is protected from rain or grown in temperate climates.

AK 47 feminized seeds are among the least to envy to the original regular seeds and Simon’s creation has been reproduced almost to perfection, at least this is what some of the most reputable growers in the world say, such as Power Planter, who has tested hundreds of strains from dozens of banks.

What this grower says is that the feminized AK 47 was a little more spiky in size, produced about 5% less and its effect was a little more sativa than the original regular version. These are really minimal differences and they endorse the quality of the work done by Serious Seeds.

Its bud-leaf ratio is highly profitable, its production is high and is completely covered with sticky resin, which gives it an impressive appearance and aroma. Anyway, the biggest surprise comes when we decided to smoke it, it is one of the most powerful strains on the market, the amount of THC it possesses can leave you lying on the couch for a couple of hours, it really shoots you, hence its name which refers to the legendary Soviet assault rifle, which Russian troops used to invade Afghanistan.

Its flavor is fresh pine, with a tight, creamy smoke that intensifies with curing. The flavor and the psychoactive power are the magic ingredients of this strain, which achieve an immediate attention of whoever is its victim at the moment of smoking it. From a young age, the smell it gives off is characteristic and strong, so it is advisable to use anti-odor filters.

The AK 47 marijuana is also known to give excellent results when grown in hydroponic media, and we can say the same of aero, coco and of course, soil substrate.

Features of AK 47

  • Genetics: Colombian, Mexican, Thai and Afghani.
  • Variety: Mostly Sativa (65%)
  • Flowering indoor: 8-9 weeks (60-65 days)
  • Indoor cutting growth: 5 – 10 days
  • Yield indoors: 350 – 500 gr/m2
  • Harvest outdoor and greenhouse: 15 – 31 Oct.
  • Cannabinoid generating capacity: Up to 21,5% THC

Awards obtained by AK47 of Serious Seeds

And of course, being such a unique plant, it has a large number of cups obtained in various competitions worldwide, we offer you the list of the most important until this year 2022:

  • 1994 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 1994 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 1996 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 1999 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 2003 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 2004 High Times Magazine, Strain of the year
  • 2004 HighLife Cup Barcelona
  • 2005 Copa de Cantabria
  • 2005 El Punto Cup Malaga
  • 2005 HighLife Cup Barcelona
  • 2006 Cannabis Champions Cup (Spannabis)
  • 2008 Auckland Cannabis Cup
  • 2009 HighLife Hemp Fair
  • 2010 Treating Yourself Cup
  • 2011 4e Copa de Grows de Catalunya
  • 2011 High Times Cannabis Cup
  • 2013 2nd Cata Invernal
  • 2014 HighLife Cup 2014, Amsterdam
  • 2014 HighLife Cup 2014, Amsterdam
  • 2015 Copa de los Andes 2015, Chile
  • 2016 Cannaolimpiadas 2016, Barcelona
  • 2016 Copa Cannábica A.C. Bolera Besaya
  • 2016 HighLife Cup 2016, Amsterdam
  • 2016 LIFT-Cannabis-Expo Cup, Toronto
  • 2016 Zero Zero Cup 2016, Girona
  • 2017 Copa Cata Zona Norte
  • 2018 Great Canadian Canna Cup

So far the content of the AK 47 of Serious Seeds, subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on social networks to receive more news and continue reading with the monograph that we dedicate to another very famous variety, the Laughing Buddha.

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Marijuana AK 47 from Serious Seeds, The Queen for life
Marijuana AK 47 from Serious Seeds, The Queen for life Te contamos todo sobre la marihuana AK 47. Una planta única y mítica dentro del mundo de las variedades del cannabis, reina de por vida.
Cannabis Seeds

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