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Marijuana reduces sleep apnea

According to several scientific studies conducted by prestigious institutions, marijuana significantly reduces sleep apnea. Although patients affected by this disease are mostly unaware of this property of Cannabis, the reality is that there is a large amount of documentation to support the use of marijuana to relieve sleep apnea.

La marihuana reduce la apnea del sueño

Sleep apnea

Whenever I write an article about medical marijuana always I have a thought in the same way, the rulers, the media and in general everything that doesn’t talk about these things, is it really so important what they talk to us about every day? the reality is, no. We live in a world where if we let ourselves be led by those who should guide us, we usually end up badly.

We have to look for, search on specialized media and contrast information, only in this way can we come to know the truth. And the truth is that marijuana is a plant with numerous uses of all kinds, quite the opposite of what we are led to believe, criminalizing it, although many people could improve their quality of life thanks to it, such as people who suffer sleep apnea.

Apnea is the most common respiratory disorder disease during sleep, there are millions of people in the world who suffer from it, it is estimated that at least 4% of adults see their lives conditioned by this disorder. It is also known as hypersomnia and periodic breathing syndrome (PRRS).

Sleep apnea manifests itself as a temporary interruption of breathing while we are asleep, lasting more than 10 seconds, causing a breakdown. If the stop is mild interruptions occur between 10 and 20 times per hour, if moderate between 20 and 30 times per hour, while if severe, it occur more than 30 times per hour.

There are also three types of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, caused by relaxation of the soft tissues in the back of the throat. The central one, where the brain stops sending the signal that makes us breathe automatically. And the mixed one that usually begins as the central one, to end up with an obstructive component.

The risks of this disease are many, drowsiness, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, as well as psychological, cognitive and intellectual. It also doubles the chances of developing cancer.

Treatments for this condition consist of breathing aids devices, to which the patient must be connected during sleep. The other option is surgical procedures, through corrections or installation of a device on the palate.

Marijuana for sleep apnea

Marijuana in the treatment of apnea, as we mentioned, is well documented as there is a great interest from scientists working in this field.

In 2002, researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago published the following information in the Journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine:

“Potent suppression of sleep-related apnea in rats administered either exogenous or endogenous cannabinoids.”

In a study with laboratory rats, they found a powerful suppression of sleep apnea thanks to exogenous or endogenous cannabinoids. Using Delta 9 THC (exogenous) or Oleamide (endogenous) it is possible to stabilize breathing during sleep, blocking the exhalted induction of serotonin that causes apnea. The full study can be viewed at the following link.

Later in 2003, other researchers discovered and confirmed a great improvement in sleep quality thanks to another endocannabinoid (which are the cannabinoids that our body produces), Anandamine. It can be applied to apnea and other sleep disorders. Full study here.

In 2004, a different team of researchers conducted another double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which they found an sleep quality improvement in adults thanks to Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol. This study, apart from serving other sleep disorders, also has applications for sleep apnea. This is the link to the study.

Finally, Dronabinol, an FDA-approved (Food & Drug Administration) THC drug to reduce nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy, has been tested by researchers like Michael Calik, identifying that it reduces sleepiness due to its action on endocannabinoid receptors that we have in our peripheral nervous system. The THC present in the drug manages to increase muscle tone in the part of the throat that normally causes apnea, causing a substantial improvement in the patients examined.

We leave you this video where an American news program echoes the benefits of marijuana for sleep apnea, this is more than we want to see in the media. Share with yours!

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Marijuana reduces sleep apnea
Marijuana reduces sleep apnea Numerosos estudios confirman que la marihuana reduce la apnea del sueño, tanto en pacientes con apnea obstructiva, como central o mixta.
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