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Positive Testing for Consumable CBD

The issue of testing positive testing for THC after consuming CBD has been a controversial one, yet, with little information available for the masses. In today’s article, we will be answering a lot of questions relating to this all-too-frequently asked question and discussing the possibility of testing positive for THC in a drug test after having consumed CBD.

Can You Test Positive for THC By Using CBD?

In theory, it is impossible to test positive for THC after consuming pure CBD. As at this time, the only drug tests that can measure THC cannabinoid molecules are urine and saliva tests. However, many CBD products contain traces of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). As is almost common knowledge, THC is the main cannabinoid with psychoactive effects in Cannabis.

CBD positive testing

Therefore, for a drug test to come out positive, the percentage of THC in the consumable CBD should be taken into account. If the concentration of THC exceeds 1%, there is the possibility that the test will return positive for this cannabinoid, even if the user doesn’t feel the full effects of it.

It is unusual to test positive for THC in a saliva or urine drug test by consuming a product with less concentrate of THC permitted by law. In Spain, less than 0.2% THC concentration is permissible by law. The potency of the THC depends on the quality of the concentrate as well as the reliability of the distributor.

A Closer Look at CBD

Products gotten from black markets are usually not registered with any health control agencies. CBD consumables which are obtained clandestinely are difficult to know the exact concentration of cannabinoids it may contain. Therefore, the best consumable CBD products are those obtained from regulated channels (regulated dispensaries). Consuming pure CBD, which can be obtained by growing plants with 0% THC, is also an efficient way.

The contamination of CBD by THC not new, and it depends on the consumer to examine the quality of the product, the potency of the concentrate or herb, and ensure that it does not contain psychoactively active CBD such as THC.

Latterly, CBD has become very popular owing to its potency and characteristics. It lacks psychoactive effects but has potential physical benefits which make it the cannabinoid of choice for many users. People who do not want to feel the psychoactive effects of THC usually opt for CBD.
The story isn’t always perfect, as users have reported receiving products such as CBD flowers or concentrates with more than 0.2% THC. People who consume the CBD in these situations may test positive in a drug test – another victim of a fraudulent sale and false advertising.

The concentration of THC in CBD products depends on the plant variety, as well as the harvesting or concentrates refining techniques used in the process. To this effect, the labels of legal CBD products usually include one of the following markings to be optimal for consumption:

Full-spectrum CBD

Any product labeled as a full-spectrum CBD extract or compound makes use of all the compounds present in the plant. This means that the full spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids present in the plant have been directly used. Full-spectrum products could be found as oils, tinctures, edibles, creams, and even topicals.

We have earlier noted that consuming products with a certain percentage higher than 0.2% THC means you may test positive for THC in a drug test. Not all full-spectrum CBD products fall into this category. There are full-spectrum CBD products that do not contain THC, as a non-THC plant may have been used in their production.

Full-spectrum CBD oil derived from marijuana can contain varying amounts of THC. However, regulate CBDs are required to contain less than 0.2% THC. When a CBD product within the confines of the law is consumed one will not test positive for THC in a drug test.

This is not always the case for unlabeled CBD products. Tracing the origins of full-spectrum extracts is usually very difficult, hence, it can be difficult to assess the amount of THC present in a given product purchased on the black market.

Broad-spectrum CBD

Unlike full-spectrum CBD products, broad-spectrum CBD products contain additional compounds found in the plant, including terpenes and other cannabinoids. In the case of broad-spectrum CBD products, all THC is removed to eliminate the risk of contamination. Therefore, broad-spectrum CBD products are less likely to contain THC than full-spectrum CBD products.

Products with this labeling are less common when compared to CBD products or concentrate, although they are becoming more popular on dispensaries. The elimination process makes these CBD products the best for people looking to avoid testing positive for THC.

Isolated CBD

Isolated CBD is pure CBD. Isolated CBD products do not contain additional compounds from the plant from which it was extracted, such as THC, flavonoids, and terpenes. Isolated CBD products are usually made from hemp plants (they lack THC). Isolated cannabidiol is one of the safest ways to consume CBD without testing positive for THC.

In certain parts of the world where the sale of Isolated CBD products is legal, they can be sold as crystalline powders or a small plaque that can be broken up and consumed orally. Similar to full-spectrum products, isolated CBD products can also be found in oil form.

THC is Needed to Test Positive In A Control Test

One of the most frequently asked questions by THC users is how much THC does one need to have consumed to test positive in a drug test. To answer this question, there has to be a scientific backup.

To start, there are different types of drug tests. Some, like the urine tests, do not look for THC, but for THC-COOH – a metabolite created by the body when THC has been consumed. Why is this approach used? THC-COOH lasts longer in the body, and frequent users could test positive for up to 30 days after their last use.

Other tests like the saliva tests commonly used in traffic enforcement are designed to avoid the possibility that traces of THC or THC-COOH could trigger a positive test. In the saliva test, if the amount of THC is less than 0.2% in a CBD product, users will not test positive. Depending on the type of test performed and the country’s permitted percentage, the benchmark value for THC or THC-COOH may vary.

Blood test

A blood test measures the amount of THC present in the blood. This type of drug test is less common than other types of tests. In Spain, this type of drug test can be carried out to confirm a positive test for a certain substance. The blood test is a THC control system often used in testing drivers.
Blood tests are very accurate, and determines the presence of THC in the short term because cannabinoid is quickly eliminated from the blood. Thus, THC is only detectable in blood plasma for up to five hours after consumption. However, metabolites of THC can be detectable for up to seven days. The detection threshold for THC in blood tests is set at 5mg/ml.

Urine tests

This is one of the most common tests for cannabis, they are especially used in the workplace. The urine test looks out for THC-COOH in a concentration exceeding 50 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL). A nanogram is approximately one billionth of a gram.

THC metabolites are detectable in urine for approximately 3 to 15 days after use. Heavy and frequent users may test positive for longer than 30 days in some cases. Screening tests vary widely depending on dose and frequency of use.

Saliva test

As earlier mentioned, the saliva test is very common in Spain. They are usually the first THC tests administered at roadside checks. If a pure cannabidiol product is used, it is difficult to test positive for THC having consumed CBD in a saliva test.

One benefit of the saliva tests over the other tests is that the results are obtained almost immediately. They can, however, measure THC in fluids for about 72 hours. Still, it may be detectable for much longer with chronic and heavy use. For this reason, this type of test causes some discomfort among regular THC users.

Other Reasons for Testing Positive for THC after CBD Use

The major reason why a user of pure CBD products will test positive for THC is cross-contamination. Cross-contamination with THC is possible in cases where manufacturers produce cannabidiol consumables in the same facility as THC consumables albeit in minute amounts.

This also applies to shop and home-grown CBD products. If CBD oil is in close proximity with other THC-containing substances, cross-contamination is always a possibility.

In a similar fashion, it may be possible for a person to test positive for THC after consuming a CBD product exposed to THC smoke. Although unlikely, the possibility still exists, and it is always advisable to ventilate the room if there are THC users.

Although mislabeling a CBD product is highly unlikely, if it does happen, it can also lead to testing positive for THC when only pure CBD has been consumed. To avoid these problems, it is best to avoid products that make health claims unless regulated.

The epilepsy medication, Epidiolex, is currently the only CBD-based product with EU approval. However, it is only available on prescription.
Routine drug tests are not designed to detect CBD, instead, they usually detect THC or one of its metabolites. However, an individual may request that CBD be added to the list of substances to be tested for. However, it is unlikely, especially in countries where CBD is legal.

In conclusion. A routine drug test will not detect pure CBD. However, keep in mind that the industry is not consistently regulated, hence, it is difficult to always detect the source of a CBD product. This is more prevalent when products are bought on the black market.

To avoid THC or testing positive, your best bet will be to buy CBD isolate only from reliable sources.

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Positive Testing for Consumable CBD Learn all about the possibility of testing positive for THC in a drug test after having consumed the cannabinoid CBD.
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