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Smoothies with Marijuana | Cannabis Recipes

If you’re a fan of both cannabis and smoothies, you’ve come to the right place! Cannabis smoothies are the ultimate blend of health and relaxation, all packed into a single glass of pure good vibes. Did you know you can enjoy the benefits of cannabis without having to smoke it? It’s like taking a tropical trip—minus the burn and smoke. So, why not give your favorite smoothies a green twist and make them even more refreshing?

Also, making a smoothie with cannabis allows you to better control the dosage, and because your body absorbs it slowly, the effects are much longer lasting. So relax, put on some Bob Marley in the background, and let the good vibes flow through your body at their own pace.

Can you imagine a smoothie bursting with tropical fruits like pineapple and mango, perfectly blended with a hint of cannabis? It’s a healthy, refreshing mix that’s as delicious as it is relaxing! The best part? By enjoying it as a smoothie, you’re opting for a healthier, more natural way to experience the benefits of cannabis, with no worries about smoke or combustion. Keep reading to learn how to craft your own cannabis-infused smoothie, along with tips on how to extract all the goodness (and THC) from your favorite ingredients. Rastafari vibes and pure health in every sip!

Benefits of Incorporating Marijuana into Smoothies

Cannabis smoothies can be the magic key. Not only do they get you in the mood, but they are also full of benefits for your body and mind.

  • Long lasting effects: Unlike smoking or vaping, when you take a cannabis smoothie, the body processes it at its own pace. The effects are like a reggae song, smooth, steady and long lasting – no sudden highs!
  • Healthy alternative: You don’t need fire and smoke to enjoy your marijuana. Smoothies are a more natural way to consume it, without damaging your lungs. Pure life!
  • Superabsorption of cannabinoids: Did you know that by mixing cannabis with fatty ingredients like yoghurt or coconut milk, you help your body to better absorb THC and CBD 🥥 This means you get the most out of every drink, amplifying relaxation and good vibes. So now you know, making a cannabis smoothie is not only a delicious experience, it’s also a way to take care of your health while enjoying cannabis.

Decarboxylation Guide for Cannabis Recipes

Before you mix your cannabis into that delicious smoothie, there’s something super important to know: decarboxylation. It’s the magic trick to activate the THC and CBD in your weed. That’s right, without this step, the smoothie won’t have all the power you expect! because the cannabinoids are not in their optimal chemical form for ingested consumption.

What is decarboxylation? It is basically heating the marijuana at a low temperature, as if you were giving it a sun bath. This process converts THCA into THC.

How to do it? Easy, very easy! Follow this link to learn how to decarboxylate cannabis.

Recipe for 3 delicious marijuana smoothies

Always healthy and delicious, smoothies are always a great option to have a healthy drink at hand, in this case we tell you how to prepare smoothies with marijuana and different fruits. Before we continue, we are going to explainhow to prepare marijuana leaf or bud flour, the main and indispensable ingredient of these three recipes.

Marijuana leaf flour

To make marijuana leaf flour, first clean the weed of twigs and other woody debris. It should be dry and crumble when crushed. If it is not dry, put it in the oven at 100°C for 15 minutes or in a microwave for one or two minutes. Next, pass the weed through a grinder or other grinding device, such as a flour grinder.

The grinder will grind the marijuana with a coffee grinder, which reduces it to a fine powder. After this, pass the powder through a flour sieve to remove any woody debris. Store the flour in the fridge or freezer.

When grinding marijuana, a white powder can be produced, especially if the marijuana is very dry. Rather than powder, this is actually the capitate glands, the potent part of the weed. Be careful when handling it, let the powder settle before opening the grinder or grinder, and collect any powder that may escape.

Bud flour

To turn the buds into flour, the flowers need to be very dry. Make the flowers crisp by putting them in the microwave for a couple of minutes, or for ten minutes in an oven at 150°C. When the buds have cooled they should be crisp. Then separate the flowers from the stems and grind them. A coffee grinder is handy and can easily grind moderate amounts of cannabis flowers. Another method of preparing bud is to separate the flowers from the woody material and put them through a blender. Then add the liquid from a recipe, preferably with some alcohol or oil, and puree. The alcohol and oil help to dissolve the glands containing the THC.

Marijuana, fruit and cocoa smoothie (psychoactive)

Ingredients (for two people): 2-4 g marijuana bud leaf flour 500 ml of milk 1 banana cut into slices 2 peaches4 teaspoons of cocoa powder 1 teaspoon of ground hemp seeds

Preparation: Heat the milk, marijuana leaf flour and cocoa in a saucepan, but do not bring to the boil. When the cocoa is well dissolved, turn off the heat, add the ground hemp seeds, stir and leave to cool. Put the peeled and chopped banana and peaches into the blender, along with the milk mixture. Blend well. Place in the fridge for at least half an hour before serving.

Exotic (psychoactive) marijuana smoothie

Ingredients (for two people): 2-4 g marijuana leaf or bud flour 150 ml papaya pulp 150 ml pineapple juice 150 ml yoghurt 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preparation: First mix the yoghurt with the marijuana, blend it well and leave it to stand. Then peel the papaya and mash the pulp with a fork or in a food processor. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients, including the “flavoured” yoghurt, and blend it all together. Pour into two large glasses and chill in the fridge.

Marijuana, mango and ginger smoothie (psychoactive)

Ingredients (for two people): 2-4 g marijuana bud leaf flour 250 ml yoghurt 200 ml water 50 ml milk 2 teaspoons grated ginger 2 mangoes a pinch of nutmeg

Preparation: Pour the water into a saucepan and bring it to the boil. When it boils, add the grated ginger root, boil for half a minute and turn off the heat. Add the milk and marijuana flour. Mix well and let it stand for five minutes. Then filter and leave to cool. In the meantime, peel and core the mangoes, chop them and put them in the blender with the yoghurt and the previous mixture, now cooled. Blend well, serve in two large glasses and grate a little nutmeg over the top.

Pairing with other foods

Now that you’ve got your cannabis smoothie ready, it’s time to give it an even tastier twist by pairing it with other foods! For starters, fruit smoothies like mango or pineapple go great with something crunchy like whole grain crackers, or if you want a milder option, try plain yoghurt. The combination of textures is a real treat and enhances both the smoothie’s flavour and its effects.

If exotic flavours are more your thing, add a touch of ginger or mint to your smoothie for an unbeatable freshness. Pair it with a few slices of avocado or even a couple of slices of banana for a tropical punch that will make you feel like you’re on a faraway beach.

For those with a sweet tooth, combining a red berry smoothie with a cannabis brownie takes the experience to the next level. But be careful, you have to take it easy here! Better to enjoy a single brownie and savour it well with your smoothie, as the combination can take you a long way in terms of effects.

Pairing not only enhances the flavours, it can also make the effects of the shake feel more balanced. So experiment and find your favourite combinations – the key is to enjoy every sip and every bite!

Possible Effects and Safety Tips

Before you jump into enjoying those delicious cannabis smoothies, it’s good to keep in mind some tips to get the most out of them without any scares. Although smoothies are all about positive vibes, they can also surprise you if you’re not well prepared. Here’s everything you need to know!

Slower but lasting effect: Keep in mind that when consuming marijuana in smoothies, the effects take a little longer to appear (between 30 minutes and 2 hours), but when they come, they come good, and they stay for a good while. So, have a drink, put on some reggae music and wait for the good vibes to start flowing.

🌡️ Be careful with doses: A common mistake is to get impatient and take too much. Take it easy! Start with a small dose and wait to see how you feel. It’s better to take it slowly than to overdo it – remember that peace of mind is key!

Don’t mix with alcohol: Although it may sound tempting, mixing cannabis with alcohol can amplify the effects of both substances, and not always in a fun way! Avoid mixing smoothies with alcoholic beverages, and keep the vibe relaxed and positive.

Stay at home: The best thing about cannabis smoothies is to enjoy them in a safe and chill environment. Avoid driving or activities that require a lot of concentration – there’s nothing better than relaxing on the couch, watching a good movie or listening to your favourite reggae! 🛋️🎬

By following these tips, you will enjoy your cannabis smoothie to the fullest, safely and without surprises.

FAQs About Cannabis Smoothies

How long do cannabis smoothies take to work?

Because cannabis smoothies are processed through the digestive system, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours for the effects to appear. It is important to be patient and not over consume while waiting. 🕒

How much cannabis should I use in a smoothie?

The recommended dosage for beginners is around 0.25 to 0.5 grams of decarboxylated marijuana per shake. It’s best to start small and adjust according to the effects you feel – remember you can always add more, but you can’t take it away!

Can I mix cannabis smoothies with other drinks?

Yes, you can mix them with vegetable juices or milks for a different twist. However, avoid mixing them with alcohol, as it can intensify the effects of cannabis in unexpected ways.

Are cannabis smoothies a healthy option?

Totally! Not only do cannabis smoothies prevent combustion, which takes care of your lungs, but you can also combine them with fruits, vegetables and superfoods for an explosion of nutrients.

How can I store cannabis smoothies?

Ideally, the cannabis smoothie should be consumed freshly prepared to enjoy its full flavour and effects. If you need to store it, you can refrigerate it for up to 24 hours, but shake it well before drinking. ❄️🥤

Batido de marihuana, frutas y cacao (psicoactivo)

Ingredientes (para dos personas):

2-4 g de harina de hoja cogollo de marihuana
500 ml de leche
1 plátano cortado a rodajas
2 melocotones4 cucharaditas de cacao en polvo
1 cucharadita de semillas de cáñamo molidas

Preparación: Pon a calentar en un cazo la leche, la harina de hoja de marihuana y el cacao, pero sin que llegue a hervir. Cuando el cacao esté bien disuelto, apaga el fuego, añade las semillas de cáñamo molidas, remueve y déjalo enfriar. Pon en la trituradora el plátano y los melocotones pelados y troceados, junto con la mezcla de leche anterior. Bátelo bien. Mételo en la nevera al menos media hora antes de servir.

Batido de marihuana exótico (psicoactivo)

Ingredientes (para dos personas):

2-4 g de harina de hoja o cogollo de marihuana
150 ml de pulpa de papaya
150 ml de zumo de piña
150 ml de yogur
1 cucharadita de canela

Preparación: Mezcla primero el yogur con la marihuana, bátelo bien y déjalo reposar. Luego pela la papaya y tritura su pulpa, con un tenedor o en un robot de cocina. Mézclala con el resto de ingredientes, incluido el yogur «aromatizado», y bátelo todo. Viértelo en dos vasos grandes y ponlo a enfriar en la nevera.

Batido de marihuana, mango y jengibre (psicoactivo)

Ingredientes (para dos personas):

2-4 g de harina de hoja cogollo de marihuana
250 ml de yogur
200 ml de agua
50 ml de leche
2 cucharaditas de jengibre rallado
2 mangos
una pizca de nuez moscada

Preparación: En un cazo, vierte el agua y ponla a hervir. Cuando hierva échale la raíz de jengibre rallada, déjala hervir medio minuto y apaga el fuego. Añade la leche y la harina de marihuana. Mézclalo bien y déjalo reposar cinco minutos. Luego fíltralo y deja que se enfríe. Mientras, pela y deshuesa los mangos, trocéalos y ponlos en la batidora con el yogur y la mezcla anterior, ya fría. Bátelo todo bien, sirve en dos copas grandes y ralla un poco de nuez moscada por encima.

Que te aproveche y si te quedas  con ganas…  disfruta de más recetas cannábicas.

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