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Sulphur deficiency in marijuana

Sulphur is often overlooked for its nutritional value in plants, with most people associating it primarily with its strong smell. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this essential nutrient, how to recognize sulphur deficiencies in cannabis plants, and the best methods to correct them effectively.

What is sulphur in crops?

Sulphur (S) is a secondary nutrient for marijuana, so it is not one of the basic nutrients necessary for its feeding, known as NPK. However, this element is of great importance for most crops.

The importance of sulphur in Cannabis

Sulphur is an essential mineral for plants. One of its most important functions is the formation of enzymes necessary for the generation of proteins, which are indispensable for the creation of plant cell walls. Sulphur in marijuana also plays a very valuable role in protein synthesis, where it is involved as part of the amino acids cystine and thiamine, which are like the building blocks of the plant.

Sulphur is also partly responsible for the various aromas and essences of Cannabis plants, as well as for the synthesis of fatty acids and their decomposition. For all these reasons, sulphur is an essential mineral for marijuana and, although its deficiency is not one of the most dangerous for marijuana, it is necessary to know a series of symptoms that appear with this deficiency in order to put an end to it, as it can cause a detriment to our final harvest.

Sulphur in marijuana is responsible for manufacturing a good number of proteins and vitamins, such as vitamin B1. Together with magnesium and calcium, sulphur is one of the 3 secondary nutrients necessary for the development of the plant.

Although marijuana does not need a lot of sulphur for growth, unlike primary nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, a deficiency of this nutrient can cause problems for the health of the plant and its flowers. Read on in this article about this nutrient and the problems its deficiency can cause when growing marijuana.

What is sulphur deficiency?

Sulphur is an element that is very present in the soil. Thus, it is estimated that around 0.05% of the weight of the earth’s crust is sulphur. Therefore, when growing outdoors, it is very rare to find a sulphur deficiency in marijuana.

There are areas of the planet with soil formed by volcanic rocks, such as Sicily and Iceland, where this mineral is highly concentrated. However, almost all soil types contain some proportion of sulphur.

One of the ways in which sulphur is so present in the earth is because it arises from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal or oil. During this process, large amounts of sulphur are released into the atmosphere and fall back into the soil along with the rain.

Magnesium deficiency occurs when the plant does not receive the required amount of magnesium in its nutrition or in the soil.

Causes of Sulphur Deficiency

Sulphur deficiency in plants can be caused by several factors. One of the main ones is an inadequate pH in the substrate, as too low a pH can block sulphur uptake. Another factor is excessive washing of the substrate, which removes essential nutrients, including sulphur. In addition, poor or old soils that have lost their natural fertility may also lack this nutrient. Finally, the use of unbalanced fertilisers with low sulphur content can aggravate the problem.

Identifying sulphur deficiency

Sulphur is a mineral that binds to plant proteins, which means that it remains attached to the plant. This is why plants have difficulty moving sulphur from older tissues to newer tissues and this is when sulphur deficiency can occur in marijuana.

Azufre en la marihuana

As with other nutrient deficiencies in marijuana, sulphur deficiency produces a series of signs and symptoms that warn us of a lack of this mineral. These include the following:

  • Chlorosis in new leaves. This is one of the most obvious symptoms of sulphur deficiency in marijuana. Chlorosis is an old acquaintance of Cannabis growers, as it is a symptom of a lack of many other nutrients such as iron deficiency. During this process the leaves of the plants turn yellow. As mentioned before, plants have difficulty in transporting sulphur from the older parts to the newer parts, which is why chlorosis appears more on young marijuana leaves.
  • Light green colouring on older leaves. The symptoms do not only affect the youngest leaves. We can also see light green colourations on older Cannabis leaves. A very similar symptom to what we can experience with nitrogen deficiency in Cannabis.
  • Purple colouring in stems. This is because when a deficiency of this mineral appears, the plant secretes a pigment (anthocyan) that stains the petioles with dark colourations. In extreme cases, the colouring will also become more extreme.
  • Pink and orange colourations on the underside of the leaves. This is a very characteristic symptom of sulphur deficiency in marijuana. If this discolouration appears during flowering, it is a cause for concern, as it may affect the final yield of the crop. But don’t be alarmed, because measures can be taken to put an end to sulphur deficiency in Cannabis.

Difference between Sulphur Deficiency and Other Problems

Sulphur deficiency can easily be confused with a lack of other nutrients, such as nitrogen or magnesium. However, a key way to distinguish it is that leaf yellowing caused by sulphur deficiency starts on young leaves, while nitrogen deficiency affects older leaves first. In addition, the veins of sulphur-deficient leaves remain green, unlike other problems that cause widespread yellowing.

  • Yellowing of young leaves: Sulphur deficiency mainly affects the newest leaves, which turn pale yellow while the veins remain green.
  • Stunted growth: Sulphur is essential for protein synthesis, so its lack causes slow and weak growth.
  • Differentiate with nitrogen deficiency: Unlike sulphur, nitrogen affects old leaves first, turning them yellow.
  • Check soil pH: Incorrect pH can inhibit sulphur uptake, especially in soils that are too acidic.
  • Leaves with curled edges: In more severe cases, leaves may develop edges that curl upwards.

Remedying Sulphur Deficiency

Luckily, there are many methods to end sulphur deficiency in marijuana, each of the options we give you will suit some needs better than others, but all are equally valid. Here are our tips on how to put an end to sulphur deficiency:

Epson salts to remedy sulphur deficiency. The logical step to end sulphur deficiency in marijuana is to use a supplement that can be added to the substrate. A couple of teaspoons of Epson salt per 4.5 litres of water is effective in promoting the appearance of sulphur in marijuana.

Sales de epsom

Use manure to provide sulphur. The use of nutrients of animal origin may be the best solution for an organic Cannabis garden. Sulphur can only be assimilated by cannabis when it is in the form of sulphate, which appears in the soil when the organic remains are completely decomposed. This process can take longer, so it is a good way to prevent sulphur deficiency in cannabis.

Check the pH. It is easier for the plant to absorb sulphates from the soil when the soil pH is lower. Check the acidity levels of your soil and correct if necessary with potassium nitrate or nitric acid.

Tabla nutrientes agua en la marihuana

Ph and Ec in marijuana

You can also use sulphur-enriched fertiliser. For example, ammonium sulphate, which contains 24% sulphur. Calcium sulphate can also be a good choice, containing between 15% and 18% sulphur. Finally, potassium and magnesium sulphate also have a high level of sulphur, between 18% and 22% sulphur.

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We hope this content has been very useful for you, follow us on social networks and subscribe to our emails before continuing reading with, if you want to read something about cannabis activism, we advise you to read about beyond marijuana, other plants with cannabinoids.

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