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The Fastest Autoflowering Marijuana Strains

Within the autoflowering varieties, some strains grow much faster than others. This is what we will discuss in today’s article, which aims to provide a list of the fastest autoflowering marijuana strains.

What is autoflowering or automatic marijuana?

Autoflowering marijuana, also known as automatic, arises from the need of many growers to have strains that are not photodependent and flower by themselves. Photodependent strains depend on the number of hours of sunlight to bloom; when they detect that the daily hours decrease, they begin to produce flowers. Autoflowering strains, however, bloom directly after a certain number of days from germination. Therefore, automatic marijuana allows growers to obtain high-quality harvests in much less time compared to feminized or regular varieties. It can be considered one of the greatest advances the cannabis industry has established. Today, many who have tried them have already become fervent fans of automatic marijuana.

What is speed in a cannabis plant?

The speed of a cannabis plant refers to the time it takes to complete its life cycle, from germination to harvest. This factor is different if we talk about photoperiodic plants, where you can have almost any time of growth, and it is only the flowering time that is determined by genetics. While, on the contrary, automatic plants, grow and flower almost at the same time, so this value refers to the total of their life.

The speed, whether flowering or total, is essential for all growers, both for those who seek to maximize their yields in the shortest possible time, especially in climates where the growing season is short or when growing indoors with controlled light cycles, and for the rest who can plan their harvests.

Fastest autoflowering seeds

Within the selection of the fastest autoflowering Cannabis we find varieties for all tastes. Super-productive, with exquisite flavors, hybrids. But all of them have in common a rather short flowering time, which guarantees fast and safe harvests. Most strains have Indica dominance, a very convenient feature in this type of fast flowering plants. In addition, this genotype makes these marijuana strains that we are going to describe have very relaxing and pleasant effects and good resistance to fungi and pests, such as marijuana caterpillars.

But there is more! Within the innate speed of autoflowering marijuana seeds, there are some that are even faster, we are talking about real jewels of speed, beating all records of fast harvests ever seen. These are the ones we show you below. Discover for yourself the fastest autoflowering marijuana strains.

Crystal Candy Auto

We start the list with one of the fastest strains of Sweet Seeds, the Crystal Candy Auto. It is a fourth generation autoflowering marijuana, so it is a relatively new cross. It comes from the combination of a Crystal Candy with an autoflowering variety of similar aroma and taste, the Sweet Special Auto. It has two very strong points that will make it become your favorite autoflowering: a lot of production and an irresistible sweet taste. Thus, it is one of the most productive automatics on the market, producing up to 600 grams per square meter indoors. Totally comparable with a feminized variety. On the other hand, outdoors it will yield up to 300 grams per plant.

The taste is sweet and fruity, deeply pleasant and with tones of flavor reminiscent of strawberry chewing gum. In only 8 weeks after planting, Crystal Candy Auto will be ready, both indoors and outdoors, as it is not photodependent. In addition, it is a strain with a lot of resin, so it is perfect for Cannabis extractions. Its psychoactive effects are powerful and deeply relaxing.


We continue our list of the fastest autoflowering marijuana with a strain with pure American DNA, the Blackberry, from one of the highest quality American banks, Fast Buds. It is a strain of extraordinary colorations, with touches of red, black and even purple. This coloration is due to purple strains from the mountains of the Pakistani Kush. As a result, a very stable strain has been obtained, Indica and with a complex and exquisite taste. It is a flavor halfway between fruity aromas and berries, which gives it a genuine aromatic character that will leave any taster speechless.

Another strong point is its production level, like the previous strain, it will produce up to 600 grams per square meter indoors and will reach up to 250 grams per plant outdoors. All this in a growth period that will only last 56 days, approximately. It is a variety of Cannabis suitable for beginners, which has good acceptance to any substrate or culture medium. Its structure is clearly Indica, with a height not exceeding 100 cm and short internodal distances, which give rise to rocky and bulky buds full of resin. The sensation when consuming this strain is of pure relaxation which will lead you to an effect of pleasure perfect for before going to sleep.

In the video we can see a follow up of this wonderful strain:

Californian Snow

We continue with a pure Californian marijuana strain! Californian Snow is another of the jewels in the crown of Fast Buds and could not escape from our list of the fastest autoflowering Cannabis. The basis of its genetics is established by a Hot California which, crossed with a Ruderalis, gives rise to a very productive and super-potent plant. As it happens with the rest of strains of this house, it is a marijuana easy to cultivate and with all the guarantees of growth and germination. It is a hybrid variety, which has traits more similar to those of a Sativa marijuana plant: it has a size of up to 130 cm and good energy dtratosis.

Its effects, in fact, can be described as short but intense. They start with a cerebral high, ending in more physical and relaxing effects. It has a lot of therapeutic potential. Thus, it has CBD levels of 1% and THC of 19%. It is perfect to combat stress and anxiety, as well as other problems related to psychiatric conditions, such as post-traumatic stress. Its flavor is exquisite and intense, with hints of citrus, such as lime, but also sweet, reminiscent of apple pie. Despite its Sativa dominant genotype, this marijuana is very fast, taking only 8 weeks to have the harvest ready (up to 250 grams per plant outdoors).

Hindu Kush Auto

Sensi Seeds brings us, without a doubt, one of the best Kush strains of this 2019. Hindu Kush Auto is one of the most recommended options for lovers of pure Indica strains. Especially if your favorites are the strains coming from the Himalayas without crossing genetically. The Hindu Kush area, where this strain comes from, is located on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan and gave rise, as you can deduce, to the best Indica high altitude marijuana strains on the planet. This type of plant is short, hardy and perfect for humid climates or adverse weather conditions. It is a strain that does not require excessive care and will withstand, without too many treatments, attacks from pests such as Cannabis leafminers.

Marihuana autofloreciente más rápida

Its aromas are delicate and delicious. Its earthy and woody notes stand out, typical of this type of strains, which give it a special aroma, very sought after in Cannabis strains. As for the effects, they are quite considerable for such a resistant plant with such Indica characteristics. Thus, it has a high percentage of THC which will favor very corporal and deeply narcotic psychoactive effects, perfect to fight against insomnia. Its harvest is also very good, producing up to 400 grams per square meter indoors and half a kilo per plant outdoors.

Purple Punch Auto

Suddenly we return to the American strains. And never better said, because Purple Punch Auto, one of this year’s novelties from Barney’s Farm, hits very hard. One of its strongest points, in addition to its intoxicating effects, are its colorations: attractive, showy and giving it an irresistible appearance. In fact, it is one of the fastest autoflowering marijuana strains with the most eye-catching appearance in the Barney’s catalog. It arises from the crossing of a Purple Punch with an Auto Critical, whichreinforces its production at the same time that frees it from photodependence. It has a compact size, with a low height and a multitude of lateral branches which give rise to large buds frosted with huge amounts of resin.

Marihuana autofloreciente más rápida

Its production level is very good, producing up to 400 grams per plant outdoors and 350 grams per square meter indoors, with THC levels reaching 18%. Its effects can be described as relaxing, although at the same time, at the end they provide large doses of joy and euphoria. It is therefore a suitable strain to consume in times of high stress. Its flavor is mainly fruity, with notes reminiscent of pastries. In short, an irresistible flavor for those with a sweet tooth.

+ Speed

To finish with the list of the fastest autoflowering marijuana we go with the + Speed of Sweet Seeds. It is a curious strain, whose origin lies in the cross between two automatic strains, the Critical Mass Auto with the Speed Devil 2. The result is a super-productive plant, thanks to its Critical genes, and very fast thanks to its Speed Devil part. It is one of the fastest marijuana plants on the list, since in just 7 weeks you will have yields that reach up to 450 grams of marijuana per square meter. Outdoors, on the other hand, it does not fall short either, as it can produce up to 150 grams per plant.

Marihuana autofloreciente más rápida.

It is one of the best possible choices if we want a fast growing, resistant and good yielding herb. At the same time, it is a rather small plant, which will not exceed 90 cm in height, being 50 cm its average height. This makes it an ideal strain for a marijuana crop that does not attract attention. Its flavor is exquisite, it offers a sweet and fruity aroma very characteristic, with hints of yeast and cheese. A genuine flavor only suitable for the most sybarites.

We hope you liked this article about the fastest autoflowering marijuana, visit our online store of automatic seeds to see them all. Also, we recommend you to read pinene the terpene of marijuana.


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