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The Quickest Feminized marijuana Seeds

We present you with a list of the quickest marijuana feminized seeds with the fastest flowering, suitable both for impatient growers and for those who have specific constraints in their growing environment. In this article, we provide an exhaustive review of all Cannabis strains to offer you the fastest ones. We selected these strains based on the characteristics provided by seed banks, recommendations from growers, both outdoors and indoors, and our own experience.

We have created a content about the fastest feminized marijuana seeds updated, in it you will be able to know all the novelties in early cannabis seeds, it is about the best Fast Version marijuana seeds.

The fastest feminized marijuana seeds

In this selection, we present all the varieties of feminized seeds, which are the best sellers. For more information about each seed, click on the links provided to view their complete profiles in our online store. Let’s get started!

bad azz kush temprana


These fast flowering marijuana seeds come from the most awarded bank in the history of cannabis cups, Barney’s Farm. With a triple genetic cross of high level (Og Kush x Urkel x Afghan Kush), Bad Azz Kush is incredibly potent, reaching up to 24% THC, a record for a plant that is harvested in only 55 days of flowering indoors and in mid-September (or March in the southern hemisphere) outdoors. For more information, see its complete file in our online store: BAD AZZ KUSH

kritikal bilbo


A variety of legend, especially in the regions of the North of Spain, where the bank which produces it, Genehtik Seeds, originates. This selection of Critical was adapted to the coldest and rainiest climates of the Basque Country to satisfy the growers bitter by the humidity and the rains. Kritical Bilbo is harvested in only 45 days of flowering indoors, while outdoors it is harvested more or less at the end of summer or a little earlier. KRITIKAL BILBO

maroc rápida y temprana


Originally from the neighboring country, Morocco, it is a marijuana resultant, robust and easy to grow. This selection has reached our hands through the Dutch bank Female Seeds, which has worked for years to bring out the best of this genetics and to be able to offer it to the public in its best version. Marco is harvested in only 9 weeks of flowering indoors, and outdoors it is also harvested very soon, about a week before the end of summer. MAROC

alpujarrena temprana


As its name indicates, this marijuana strain originated in the mountains of southern Spain, specifically in the Alpujarra. It is there that the Pyramid Seeds bank has found and stabilized this wonder of nature that offers great properties and a spectacular appearance. This marijuana is perfect for high mountain and is very early, it is harvested in about 50 days of flowering indoors, but where its speed of flowering is more appreciated is outdoors, where it can be harvested about three weeks before the end of the summer. ALPUJARREÑA

afghani #1


Undoubtedly the most veteran and mythical of all the marijuana strains on this list, present in the hearts of many Cannabis lovers for decades. Afghani #1 is robust, has a penetrating aroma and flavor and very appreciated and also has a very fast flowering, especially when grown indoors, where it can be harvested in just 45 days of flowering. In outdoor crops it is not so fast and is harvested around the day the summer ends, which is not bad either. AFGHANI #1

passion #1


And if we have another great classic in this list of the earliest marijuana is Passion #1, which does not lag behind the previous one, since they date from the same decade. To emphasize its strong and stimulating effect, rare in a plant as Indica and as early as this one. Its flowering speed stands out especially when it is grown indoors, where it needs only 6 weeks of flowering to be harvested and that makes it one of the fastest marijuana in this environment. While outdoors it does not fall short at all and can be harvested between two and three weeks before the end of summer. PASSION #1

La marihuana más temprana


And up to there was where the classic varieties dominated, now it is the turn of the novelties! and the good work of breeders in recent years has managed to reach new dimensions in the world of Cannabis. Quick Critical is Dinafem ‘s bet for those growers who are looking for speed above all. It maintains the same aroma and flavor as the original version but with a much faster harvest, we are talking about only 42 days of flowering for the indoor harvest and two weeks before the day the summer ends for outdoor. QUICK CRITICAL +

critical poison fast version


If in addition to fast harvest you are looking for a great price, this is your variety, for less than 4 € the seed you can have in your collection one of the fastest varieties in the world. Critical Poison Fast Version also has an excessive production for the speed of flowering that it has. This variety which is one of the fastest can be harvested in only 40 days of flowering in crops with artificial light and 4 weeks before the end of summer when grown with sunlight, that’s nothing! CRITICAL POISON FAST VERSION

crystal candy f1 fast version


This variety is the newest of all this list, it has been on the market for a very short time and is one of the fastest marijuana that can be found. It has a very appreciated taste of sour strawberry reminiscent of chewing gum when we were little, large trichomes and very good resin production, which makes it a delight to make extractions. Its harvest is very early both indoors and outdoors, and can be harvested in 6 weeks of flowering or with the sunlight a month before the day the summer ends. CRYSTAL CANDY FAST VERSION

green poison f1 rápida


And we finish the list with one of the earliest marijuana in the world… and also one of the best sellers! Green Poison Fast Version has it all, it is fast, robust, productive and with a great aroma and taste. It also has a very well balanced effect and powerful enough to leave anyone thin. This is the earliest marijuana that we can offer you and although the values are equal to the two previous ones, our research has determined that this one beats them by a little bit. This super fast marijuana is harvested in 6 weeks of flowering indoors and a month (or even a month and a week) before the day the summer ends outdoors. GREEN POISON FAST VERSION

Final Notes

As you probably already know, Cannabis plants can vary by many factors, both external and internal. Therefore, this list includes various parameters and experiences. However, factors such as orientation to the sun, environmental conditions, treatment and feeding may cause the values indicated to vary.

Visit our online store to see our fastest marijuana seeds section, where you can see all Cannabis genetics with more detailed information and many other strains. We also recommend you to take a look at our articles about the most productive marijuana strains and the most potent marijuana strains.

What do you think about our list of the earliest marijuana strains, leave us your comment and your rating. We hope to see you again soon, here or on social networks.

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