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Tips to increase marijuana production

Every grower wants and should increase the yield of their plants. There is a lot of talk about this topic on the internet, with many tips, hints, and tricks about growing marijuana. Fortunately, there are highly valuable pages with serious and verified information, which can be consulted at any time and for free. However, be aware that there are also pages where the advice is doubtful, useless, or even harmful. So, don’t believe everything you read, and always cross-check the information. From Experiencia Natural, today we present these tips to increase your marijuana harvest without falling into unwise or harmful practices.

As you may have already realised, this is an article with basic tips. If you’re looking for something more advanced, visit our article on advanced cultivation techniques to increase the harvest. These are some very basic tips, so don’t expect a magic trick. Often, there isn’t one! What counts most is knowing how to care for your marijuana plants and give them what they need – that’s the real trick to increasing marijuana production. Also, remember that some strains produce more than others, so check out our online store’s section on the most productive marijuana seeds.

Get the hang of water and its nutrients

Adjusting the pH and EC of the water with the nutrients you give to the plant is essential. This is common for growers in inert mediums (hydro, aero, coco) and should also be the case if you want to have good yields and all the active ingredients of the plant. This way, you get plants that feed in just the right way, that is, the exact amount they need at each moment. Consequently, they grow healthy and produce more. It’s highly recommended to invest in a reverse osmosis filter to leave the water free of impurities and perfect for use. Follow this link to learn more about pH and EC in marijuana growing.

Use nutrients exclusive to the marijuana plant. Don’t just buy soil and add a growth and flowering fertiliser. This doesn’t mean you have to use all the products from one brand, but it is highly recommended to choose a small line of nutrients and use them all, as indicated by their feeding chart. Supplements, additives, and boosters have a very positive effect on the plants. If you’ve ever wondered why your buds don’t look like the ones in the photo, this is one of the reasons. Improve your fertilising technique by learning about the three basics, NPK nutrients.

However, don’t think that by just using N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), you’re all set. Micronutrients like magnesium, calcium, and zinc are the small warriors that will strengthen your plants and make them look green and vigorous. They are what makes the difference in the final quality of your harvest.

The ideal setup is to combine automatic drip irrigation, keeping the soil well-hydrated and nourished while you relax to Bob Marley’s tunes. Less stress for you and, even better, more flowers and resin for your plants! With this system, you’ll be maximising the use of every drop of water and nutrient, ensuring a bountiful and high-quality harvest.

Find more tips and tricks in our article, how to increase production with fertilisers.

Adjusting the right cultivation environment

A good grower knows that you must provide as much fresh airflow as possible, especially when the plant enters its flowering period, increasing the extractor capacity. Fresh air and everything it contains are vital for the plant. If the air is refreshed in the right amount, the plant can perform its processes more quickly. Needless to say, the air should be refreshed from a fresh source, not from the next room. We have an article dedicated to how to increase marijuana yield with air.

Light is another determining factor. Use the maximum amount of light possible during the flowering period. More lumens almost always equal a higher yield, although everything has its limits. With 600W for 1m2, it’s more than enough. You can try saving light during the growing period by using fluorescent lights or a lower-powered setup, and when the plant flowers, increase the wattage as much as possible for the plant.

Whether you’re using LED, HPS, or CMH lights, make sure your green babies are receiving the right amount of light in both the growth and flowering phases. Don’t forget to check the light spectrum! Plants need a good balance between blue light to grow well and red light to bloom with all their glory.

A good practice to maximise your yield is to adjust the light height as the plants grow. You don’t want them too far or too close. Here’s a trick: keeping the lights at the right distance will make your plants more compact and produce more flowers. And for those looking to optimise even further, consider adding supplementary side lights! This way, no branch is left in the shadows, and they can all catch the positive vibe.

Of course, use only lights and equipment exclusive to cannabis cultivation. We also recommend our article dedicated to how to increase yield with light.

Similarly to how we take care of all these factors, it’s essential to control the climate in the growing area, specifically temperature and humidity. While different marijuana varieties can grow almost anywhere globally in diverse conditions, for indoor cultivation, we have specific values considered ideal. Sticking to these is key to maximising our plants’ yield.

These values typically range (though preferences may vary) between 19 and 26 degrees Celsius as the lower and upper temperature limits for the grow room. Exceeding these recommended values can negatively impact the plant’s growth and reduce its yield. Sudden changes in temperature and humidity are harmful, so you should aim for a steady, gentle environment that the plant will appreciate.

As for humidity, it’s recommended to have over 90% for germination, ideally between 60-70% during the growth phase and around 45-55% during the flowering stage.

Pruning and Training

Just like how a musician tunes their guitar before playing a relaxing reggae tune, it’s equally important to prune and train your plants so that they grow strong and harmonious. Pruning is not just a trick; it’s a form of training that your plants will deeply benefit from.

Training is key to maximising yield. Techniques like Low Stress Training (LST), where you gently bend branches without breaking them, ensure that every bud gets equal light exposure. This helps the flowers grow bigger and stronger.

If you’re feeling bold, you can try pruning with FIM or topping, cutting off the main shoot to encourage more lateral branches. But be careful, like preparing a delicate sound mix. With each cut, you’re fine-tuning your plant for maximum yield, just like perfecting a song.

Care for the soil where the plant lives

The growing medium is where the plant’s root system will spend its entire life. Imagine how important the place you will live your whole life is. Always buy your favourite growing medium, specially designed for growing marijuana. Saving a few euros initially only leads to headaches and more expenses in the medium and long term. Whether it’s soil, expanded clay, coco, rock wool, or mapito, it must always be exclusively for cannabis cultivation. Using it for other purposes could be harmful or even highly toxic. We also have an article if you’re interested in preparing your own substrate for marijuana, but it’s generally recommended to leave this to professionals, at least the first few times.

Let your plants relax

Even the most resilient plants need their rest. It’s not all about growth and partying! To get the best buds, you must give your green girls some moments of complete peace, with no light or interruptions. Think of this rest as the perfect nap—a sacred time to recharge and keep growing strong.

During the flowering phase, the light cycle should be set to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. It’s during these 12 hours of total darkness that the magic happens: the plant focuses on developing those dense buds we love so much. But beware—any interruptions during their rest can ruin the whole process.

If you’re having trouble achieving total darkness, invest in a good grow tent or use blackout curtains. Keep the environment calm and free from light stress, and your plants will reward you with a harvest worthy of a tropical paradise. Not only does this increase production, but respecting the light and dark cycles is crucial for successful growing. The darker the night, the greater the yield.

Last but certainly not least, read and learn about the plant itself, as you’re doing now. Learn to recognise its phases, reactions, deficiencies, and excesses. If you want plants like those in the photos, you know what to do: take care of the basics and stop following strange tips, hints, or tricks.

We hope you enjoyed this basic guide to tricks for increasing marijuana production. And above all, don’t forget to visit our growing section.

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