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What are marijuana resin extracts?

It might seem that cannabis resin extraction is a relatively recent practice, often associated with the hippies and countercultural movements of the 1960s. However, this isn’t the case—evidence shows that resin extraction and consumption have been documented for over 1,000 years. While it gained popularity in the West during the “Summer of Love,” it has deep historical roots. Recently, especially since the legalization of cannabis in several U.S. states, marijuana extracts have become a growing trend among cannabis enthusiasts.

Extracting resin from cannabis has been done for centuries, but it has changed a lot, a lot… Discover its brief history in this article.

extracto de marihuana BHO

What are cannabis extracts?

Cannabis concentrates, commonly known as marijuana extracts, are significantly more potent than cannabis flowers. Their medicinal applications have proven to be effective for patients suffering from all kinds of ailments. When done correctly, a marijuana concentrate is a potentiation of the Cannabis strain that was extracted, meaning thatthe smell, taste and effects are magnified simply because we are getting the pure cannabinoid resin, without any additives, such as plant matter.

Extraction of cannabis concentrates is a complex and potentially dangerous process and should only be carried out by trained professionals. This page lists and describes the most commonly used extraction methods and discusses the advantages of each over the others.

Solventless vs. Solvent-Based Resin Extractions

When it comes to extracting cannabis resin, there are two main categories: solventless and solvent-based extractions. Solventless methods, such as rosin and dry sift hash, involve the physical separation of trichomes without the use of chemicals. These methods are often preferred for their simplicity and the purity of the final product. On the other hand, solvent-based extractions, like BHO (Butane Hash Oil) and CO₂ supercritical extraction, use chemicals to dissolve cannabinoids and terpenes before being evaporated, leaving behind a concentrated extract. Solvent-based techniques tend to yield higher concentrations of cannabinoids, but require more advanced equipment and safety precautions.

Safety in Resin Extractions

Before to start getting deeper in the resin extractions, please note that ensuring safety during resin extraction is crucial, especially when using solvent-based methods. Solvents like butane or propane are highly flammable, making it essential to work in well-ventilated areas and use proper protective equipment. Always ensure that you are working with high-quality, food-grade solvents to avoid impurities in your final product. On the other hand, solventless methods like rosin pressing are safer and easier to manage but still require heat control to prevent accidents. Regardless of the method, understanding the process and using the right tools ensures both efficiency and safety.

Here’s a list of safety measures to consider before getting into resin extractions:

  • Work in a well-ventilated area: Ensure proper airflow, especially when using solvents.
  • Use protective equipment: Gloves, safety goggles, and fire-resistant clothing are essential.
  • Avoid open flames: Solvent-based extractions (e.g., BHO) require spark-proof equipment.
  • Use food-grade solvents: Ensure purity and prevent contamination.
  • Control heat: Avoid overheating in solventless methods like rosin pressing.
  • Have fire safety tools available: Fire extinguishers and suppression systems should be nearby.
  • Understand the equipment: Familiarize yourself with extraction devices and follow manufacturer guidelines.

These steps help create a safer environment for the extraction process.

Kief extracto de marihuana

Kifi (Kief)

Kief is the simplest of the concentrates, you’ve probably heard about it, you’ve probably also heard about it from Morocco. Kief is composed of the trichomes, which are the crystalline structures that line the outer surface of the buds, where the cannabinoids are located, separated from the dried plant material.

Usually this extraction is done through a specialised filtering net and a lot of manual work, it is a dry extraction. Kief is generally considered a lower quality extract, as the netting allows a lot of plant matter to pass through and the marijuana used is of low quality. However, some connoisseurs can achieve an extremely clean and tasty product. The THC content can vary from 2% to 50%, depending entirely on the amount of THC in the plants used.

extracto de marihuana con mallas

Mallas (Dry Sieve)

A refinement of the Kief is the use of different meshes, each of which has a different micronage. This involves using a series of micro-perforated meshes so that each mesh allows a different size to pass through, so that only the trichome heads remain in the last mesh (the one that allows only the highest quality to pass through). Thanks in large part to the simplicity of the process, extraction screens are one of the easiest ways to obtain a high quality cannabis extract. After all, all that is needed to produce an extract with this system are the screens, a good starting material, and a little time.

The level of quality that can be obtained, as with all other extractions, depends largely on the quality of the flowers. This process, at its highest level of quality, produces nothing but the largest and most perfect trichome gland heads and none of the gland debris, plant matter, etc., that usually clouds extractions, which generally clouds the faster and lower quality extractions. Although, because the meshes are not perfect and deteriorate a little over time, there is the possibility that some larger trichomes or plant material may slip through, although always in small quantities.

The rest of the meshes, of higher micronage, used in the extraction with meshes, will produce lower quality, successively corresponding to the size of the holes in each mesh, the larger the hole, the lower the quality, as it will include more “stuff”.

resina de marihuana hachis

Hachís (Hash)

Hashish made from the Cannabis plant has been around for centuries, and there are plenty of ways in which hashish can be made. That resin we are so used to and which is nowadays so widely consumed by smoking it, was already very common in Arabia or Persia in the 5th century. Although at that time it was administered orally or as an incense.

However, hashish did not become widespread until much later, in the 13th century. It was then that it penetrated Asia and the Mongols helped it to become known and consumed on a massive scale as Genghis Khan’s armies conquered territories (Western Europe, Mesopotamia, India…).

During the 17th and 18th centuries, other conquerors – in this case Europeans coming from the Indies – adopted the habit of smoking tobacco leaves and enriched it with marijuana resin. This combination and the effect it achieved led to an increasing demand for hashish.

Parallel to this, hashish began to be sieved in a more efficient way. At first, Asian charas were produced by rubbing the flowers with the hands to recover the resin that remained impregnated.

Later, marijuana began to be sieved using textile materials, very thin fabrics that allowed the dried resin glands to pass through.

Although screening by sieving is still used, there are more and more techniques: from mechanical sieves that simply mechanise the process, to those that use water to obtain the trichomes.

Extraction with water and ice is one of the most common processes used today to create quality hashish. The main objective and the fundamental idea behind the ice and water extraction process is to detach the trichome heads, which contain the cannabinoids of Cannabis, from the stems and plant matter, which have little medicinal value.

The quality of the resulting hashish, apart from the quality of the harvest as in all extractions, is often determined by the skill in carrying out the process, as it is somewhat more complex than the previous ones . The most important part of the water and ice extraction process is drying the product obtained. If not dried properly, the hash can develop fungi and other forms of microbiological life that could be harmful to us. Washing machines are available to make the process of extracting marijuana resin easier.

Ehashish continues to be a staple of Cannabis culture around the world because of its clean and natural extraction process. Hashish purchased from sources that use products other than marijuana for extraction is another matter, usually a by-product of marijuana, carrying only the lower quality parts of the flowers, a lot of plant matter and harmful substances such as rubber, gum arabic and worse.

Extracción de resina con Butano (BHO)

La extracción de resina de la marihuana con gas butano, comúnmente conocido como BHO, es un tipo de concentrado de Cannabis simple pero con riesgos asociados, hecho usando butano como el disolvente. Al utilizar un producto que puede inflamarse o explotar conviene tener experiencia antes de hacerlo.

Hay un diverso número de opiniones acerca de la consistencia final de BHO (sobre todo temperatura), la gente usa nombres diferentes cuando se refiere a cada una de las diferentes consistencias. Algunos, por ejemplo Shatter, se denomina a la el BHO con la consistencia del vidrio que a menudo se fractura o se rompe cuando se manipula. Mientras que Budder o Honeycomb se utilizan para describir otra texturas diferentes, como más parecida a miel fresca, aunque todos caen bajo la categoría de BHO.

Utilizando esta forma de extracción, el contenido de THC puede ser tan alto como 80-90%. Esto hace que BHO sea una opción perfecta para muchos pacientes con marihuana medicinal que necesitan un material lo más puro posible. Para los usos medicinales lo mejor es que el aceite haya sido probado en laboratorio y así verificar su pureza, ya que el BHO puede estar expuesto incorrectamente, puede contener restos de butano, pesticidas u otros ingredientes que pueden ser insalubres. Es nuestra foto principal en este artículo. Visita este enlace para saber cómo se hace una extracción BHO.

Extracción con CO2 (CO2 Oil)

El dióxido de carbono (CO2) es un fluido supercrítico, lo que significa que se convierte en una forma líquida cuando se presuriza. Al mismo tiempo, el CO2 es una sustancia química pura que se produce naturalmente y no deja residuos. De hecho, la extracción de resina de marihuana con CO2 para las industrias de alimentos es ya un método de extracción estándar.

El proceso de extracción de resina de marihuana utilizando CO2 permite la extracción de compuestos con baja toxicidad. Para ello se utiliza un recipiente a alta presión que contiene Cannabis. El CO2 se inserta en el recipiente a presión y se bombea a través de un filtro donde, una vez que se libera la presión, los cannabinoides se separan de la materia vegetal. A continuación, el CO2 se evapora y los cannabinoides se disuelven. Esta forma de extracción de resina de marihuana proporciona una cantidad de cannabinoides igual o mayor que el BHO. El aspecto es similar al BHO.

aceite de rick simpson

Aceite Rick Simpson (RSO)

También conocido como Phoenix Tears, el aceite de Rick Simpson (RSO), parte del principio que el aceite de Cannabis, cuando es obtenido gracias a la planta entera, puede ser administrado por vía oral o aplicada directamente a la piel. La aplicación sublingual de hecho, es el método preferido de tratamiento con marihuana para muchos pacientes con cáncer. No sólo es una forma cómoda de tomar la marihuana como medicina, además la administración de cannabinoides a través de las membranas de la mucosa oral en la boca proporciona una rápida y efectiva absorción directamente en la circulación sistémica del cuerpo humano, debido a la mayor biodisponibilidad de los cannabinoides.

Las tinturas y aceites de marihuana ya era un remedio medicinal utilizado por los doctores allá por el año 1800. Uno de los primeros casos documentados que se conocen data concretamente de 1839. El Dr. William O’Shaughnessy, que cumplía su servicio como militar en la India, recurrió a la tintura de cannabis para tratar exitosamente un cuadro de convulsiones similar a la epilepsia que estaba sufriendo un bebé. El propio O’Shaughnessy escribió posteriormente un artículo sobre su descubrimiento del “cáñamo indio” en una prestigiosa revista médica de la época.

La tintura es un método que consiste en la disolución de la marihuana en algún tipo de grasa, aceite o solvente. El carácter liposoluble de la resina de esta planta hace que se concentre su esencia en un fluido, gracias a lo cual se puede consumir de manera sencilla oralmente o incluso extendido a lo largo de un cigarro.

Hay diversas formas de obtener una tintura de cannabis que involucran distintos tipos de alcoholes. Las hay en las que se macera la marihuana en alcohol etílico (importante: nunca alcohol médico) o directamente en un licor durante dos semanas. Después se filtra la materia orgánica y se deja evaporar el alcohol. El resultado es un líquido denso y potente (obviamente en función de la variedad elegida).

En el caso del aceite de Rick Simpson se obtiene de la planta entera, por lo que no es lo mismo que el “aceite de semilla de cáñamo”. El aceite de semilla de cáñamo es un aceite prensado en frío a partir de las semillas de la planta de cáñamo. Es rico en aceites grasos esenciales y se utiliza principalmente por sus beneficios nutricionales y se puede comprarlo fácilmente en tiendas de alimentos saludables, sin restricciones legales. Por otra parte, el verdadero aceite de planta entera derivado de la planta de cannabis se hace a partir de los cogollos o flores de la planta de marihuana femenina y está compuesto de muchos cannabinoides diferentes incluyendo THC, CBD, CBN y más – además de terpenos y Otros compuestos.

En este enlace te explicamos cómo hacer aceite de marihuana al estilo Rick Simpson, en esta otra entrada ampliamos la información sobre el aceite de marihuana de rick simpson y cómo hacerlo y en este otro una pomada de marihuana para aplicar sobre la piel.

extracto de marihuana rosin


The Rosin marijuana resin extraction technique has been gaining a lot of popularity in the medical Cannabis community, and for good reason. Rosin is a solid form of resin obtained by adding pressure and heat to vaporise volatile liquid terpenes. This is usually done using an industrial heat press, although some people even use a straightening iron or hair straightener to make small quantities.

The Rosin technique is becoming very popular because it is quick, simple and affordable, allowing anyone to extract marijuana resin without solvents or labour in a matter of seconds. To start making Rosin and obtain a final product of incredible quality, all you need is some good marijuana buds and a special press or hair straightener. Hundreds of Rosin videos have been flooding YouTube and Instagram for a few years now, and many bloggers have taken to extracting marijuana resin using this simple method.

Basically, all you need to do is place the cannabis between smooth baking paper and press down while applying heat, and you will instantly see a bubbling resin come out, which is the final product.

In today’s article we are going to tell you the best ways to consume cannabis extracts. Cannabis concentrates are available in a wide range of forms such as oils, wax, glass, shatter and oral tinctures. Basically, they are any form of concentrate that is obtained through an extraction process.

After the extraction process, the remaining cannabis concentrate usually has very high levels of terpenes and cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Some cannabis concentrates contain THC levels of 80% or more. This is why they are so popular today and are available in various forms on the market.

CO₂ Supercritical Extraction

CO₂ supercritical extraction is a highly advanced method used to extract cannabis resin without the need for harmful solvents. By using carbon dioxide (CO₂) in its supercritical state—where it behaves like both a liquid and a gas—this method allows for the precise extraction of cannabinoids and terpenes while maintaining their integrity. One of the biggest advantages of CO₂ extraction is its ability to separate compounds selectively, making it ideal for producing pure, high-quality concentrates.

This method requires specialized equipment, including high-pressure chambers and pumps, to reach the supercritical state of CO₂. While the initial setup can be expensive, CO₂ extraction is considered one of the safest and most environmentally friendly techniques available. It’s particularly popular in commercial settings due to its efficiency, safety, and ability to create a wide range of cannabis products, from oils to vape cartridges, with minimal contamination risks.

Essential Equipment for Resin Extractions

Whether you’re using solvent-based or solventless methods, having the right equipment is critical for successful resin extractions. For solventless extractions like rosin pressing, you’ll need a rosin press capable of applying heat and pressure. For dry sift hash, micron screens of various sizes are essential to separate trichomes. In solvent-based methods like BHO extraction, a closed-loop system ensures safety and efficiency by containing the solvents. Additionally, vacuum ovens help purge residual solvents, ensuring a clean, high-quality product. Visit our shop entering on the following link to find out the amazing tools we have for you.

Resin Extraction Tools

How to Consume Cannabis Extracts

With as many different types of Cannabis concentrates as we have shown you, it can be difficult to pick one, let alone discover our preferred way to consume marijuana extracts.

We’ve already told you about the myriad of options available today: BHO, Rosin, Rick Simpson, hash, kief, tinctures, lotions and many more. Now we are going to tell you about the different options we have to consume them. Just a few notes before we get into each of the different forms of extract consumption available.

Concentrates and extracts come in many forms and contain cannabinoids and terpenes in higher doses than the buds of the plant itself and free of plant matter such as chlorophyll. For example, a concentrate can contain up to 90% THC, while the flower that is smoked may only contain between 0.2 and 30% THC. Concentrates can provide similar benefits to buds at a lower dosage and cost. Hence their popularity.

But it’s not just because of this, concentrates generally don’t have as strong a smell as flowers, making them more discreet for people who want to keep their marijuana use confidential. They are also easier to store than the buds of the plant itself. Not to mention the many ways to consume marijuana extracts.

While concentrates are cheap and inexpensive, for many they do not give the same deep feeling of satiety as smoking a bud. However, because they have more terpenes, concentrates can help medical patients alleviate certain symptoms of health problems such as irritable bowel or anxiety.

Once you find the concentrate that works for you, you will find that there are many ways to use and consume marijuana extracts. Here are some of the most popular ways to consume extracts:


The easiest way to start using cannabis extracts is to spray some of the extract in a pipe or roll it up and smoke it in a joint. This will give you the opportunity to try different concentrates quickly and easily and see how they affect you. You can even use pipes with heads to smoke oils and hashish extracts.

Puedes consumir extractos de marihuana en un porro.

The problem with this way of consuming marijuana extracts is that it involves combustion. This means that we literally have to burn the extract to get the THC out through the pipe or joint. This is not the most appropriate method for medical patients, who should perhaps opt for a different type of consumption.


Dabbing is one of the most popular ways to consume concentrates and is optimal for Rosins, Rick Simpson and BHO. It is a way of consuming marijuana extracts that has become popular in the United States over the last 10 years and has been making its way to other parts of the world such as America and Europe.

The dab will create an intensified effect compared to smoking the cannabis bud and may be too much for someone new to the world of THC. Be careful and start with a low dose until you can gauge your tolerance level and dosage. This extraction will be just as satisfying, if not more so, than smoking straight from a joint.

To take a dose, you will need a bong. However, the container in which the dab is smoked is slightly different, as in the pot where the herb would go, there is an accessory with a nail, a metal accessory to incorporate the concentrate, a lid and a torch.

Existen varias formas de consumir extractos de marihuana, el dabbing es una.

The nail can be made of ceramic, quartz or titanium. The process of consuming cannabis extracts with dabbing starts with heating the nail with the torch until it reaches the right temperature. To do this, it is a good idea to let the nail cool down for about 10 seconds or so after heating it.

Then use another long metal accessory to put a small piece of concentrate on the hot nail, cover it with the cap so you don’t lose any of the product, and inhale through the pipe tube.

There is also a dab version with an electronic nail. This plugs into a wall socket and can be set to a specific temperature instead of being heated by a torch, which gives a more consistent high. It is easier to find an optimal temperature with this type of pipe for consuming marijuana extracts.


It seems like everyone vaporises these days, and you never quite know if you are vaporising tobacco or cannabis. For this reason, vaping is perfect for people who want to consume cannabis extracts in a discreet way, as if they were enjoying an electronic cigarette.

When vaping cannabis extracts, the vaporizer heats the cannabis oil or bud at a low temperature, which releases less carcinogens and tar, so it is not as harsh as smoke and is easier on your lungs.

Puedes vapear como forma de consumir extractos de marihuana.

Vaporisers come in tabletop and portable varieties. Tabletop vaporisers plug into an electrical outlet and allow you to set a specific temperature. E-pens are portable and heat up at the touch of a button. To recharge them, you can make your own Cannabis concentrate.

Also, generally, these vapers for consuming marijuana extracts are loaded with butane oil (BHO) or CO2 oil. Some vapers allow you to vape harder substances such as hashish.

Lower vaping temperatures of 190°C tend to create a better flavour, while higher temperatures can burn the terpenes too quickly. See our table of recommended vaping temperatures. When using an e-pen, just hold the button for three to five seconds or it can get too hot. The right temperature and taste are subjective, so play around with them until you find what works best for you.


Tinctures are concentrated extracts created by steeping decarboxylated cannabis in an alcohol or other dissolving substance for a few weeks or months and then straining the liquid. This process is thousands of years old and almost any herb can be made into a tincture to take advantage of its medicinal benefits. It is a favourite way to consume marijuana extracts.

Tinctures should be stored in a small bottle with a dropper lid. To use, drop a few drops of the tincture under the tongue and allow it to be absorbed sublingually. It should take about 15-45 minutes to feel the effects. You can also add a few drops to your food or drink, but your liver will have to process it instead of it going directly into your bloodstream, so wait 45-90 minutes to feel the effects.

Otra forma de consumir extractos de marihuana es con el uso de vapers

You will have to play with the dosage to find what works for you. Start with one drop. If that is not enough, try two drops the next day, and so on until you find the ideal dose. A tincture high will last longer than smoking, but shorter than if you eat an oil-based edible. Tinctures can last for years if stored in a cool, dark place.


Edibles are often candies, chocolates and baked goods made with cannabis-infused oils or butter. Edibles create a pleasant body high if eaten in the right amount and work well for medical patients treating aches and pains. There are many stories of people using less opioids after starting to use edibles.

Start with a small dose of 10-20 milligrams if you are new to edibles, and increase slowly to find the best dose for your body. Edibles can take 45-90 minutes to kick in and it is tempting to eat more in that time frame because you think they are not working.

La marihuana se puede consumir en forma de comestible.

Don’t do it. That’s one of the quickest ways to have a bad trip. Start small and increase the dose slowly to get the best experience.


Capsules are an easy and discreet way to consume marijuana extracts. The capsules are usually filled with THC oil. They give you a high similar to edibles without the sugar, fat and calories and are easy to make at home with your pot. They can take 30-90 minutes to kick in, so you should use the same technique as with edibles to find the perfect dose.


If you want to manage pain or treat a skin condition without feeling high, topicals are a very effective way to consume marijuana extracts. They relieve pain and at the same time reduce swelling and inflammation. You can buy lotions, ointments, balms, bath salts and even sexual lubricants and then modify them with marijuana.

Cannabinoids contain strong antioxidants and have strong antibacterial properties, which is part of the reason why topicals are so good for your skin. In fact, a 2008 study showed that cannabinoids were very effective in treating MRSA, a bacterial infection that tends to resist antibiotics.

Existe una amplia variedad de aceites de marihuana.

Transdermal patches are one of the newest ways of ingesting cannabis. They work in a similar way to nicotine patches and are a big hit in the United States. By placing the patch on an area of skin with lots of blood vessels, the THC goes directly into the bloodstream. Unlike lotions and ointments, a transdermal patch will make you feel high and the THC will show up in a blood test.

Patches generally isolate certain cannabinoids so you can choose the desired effect. For example, a CBD patch will reduce inflammation while a CBN patch can relieve insomnia.

Hopefully you liked all these ways to consume cannabis extracts. If you were interested in this article, why not find out which are the tastiest cannabis strains for extractions?

La Mejor Marihuana para Extracciones
The tastiest marijuana
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