Light Mix by BioBizz is a substrate especially developed for plants cultivation. It is slightly enriched with fertilizers being suitable for indoor and outdoor growing. This product carries additional shipping costs and is only shipped prepaid.
The Biobizz Light Mix substrate for cultivation is presented in 20 and 50 litres sizes. It is a substrate suitable for organic farming of top quality that can be used in all types of culture media. This substrate is slightly enriched with fertilizers, so it needs to be supplemented with other fertilizers of the same brand.
Light Mix is a mixture of soil with agents that promote drainage, being ideal for any stage of growing. Light Mix ensures rapid development of the roots and vigorous early growth.
Light Mix weighs very little, thus being perfect for transportation. The fertilizer levels reach 1.2 mS of NPK, a percentage close to 80% of organic matter. Besides that, Light Mix comes with the pH specially adjusted for growing.
pH: 6.2
EC 1.2
Size: 20 liters
Organic matter 79.3%
Nitrogen: 133 ppm
Phosphorus (P2O5 ): 201 ppm
Potassium (K2O): 365 ppm
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