Delta 8 Fertilizer for Growing Marijuana
Delta 8 is a fertilizer that was specially developed for the growth period of Marijuana plants. This new product from Cannabiogen is suitable for outdoor and indoor cultivations and can be applied in all types of media and substrates.
Delta 8 provides amino acids and proteins, specifically extracted from corn plants that significantly increase the growth and potency rates of Marijuana plants. It also provides NPK in the right proportion to promote a good growth.
Dosage and Application of Delta 8:
- Dilute 3-6ml of Delta 8 per liter of water and spray or irrigate your plants with it.
- For foliar applications use the minimum dose. (3ml/L)
- For small seedlings and cuttings, mix the minimum dose when they are small and increase the dose as the cultivation advances until reaching the recommend maximum dose of 6 ml/L.
- For substrate land use it alternately.
- Powdered, no more than 2 applications per week.
- For hydroponics is preferable to use the maximum dose. (6 ml/L)
Composition of Delta 8:
MOT ------------------------51% pp
Composition of Delta 8:
- Total Nitrogen-------- 9.5 % p
- Organic Nitrogen ---- 3.9% pp
- Nitric ---------------- 1.1% pp
- Ammonia nitrogen ----4.5% pp
- Phosphorus-----------0.24% pp
- Potassium------------ 1,11% pp
- Amino Acids -------------8% pp
Amino acides contained in Delta 8:
- Aspartic acid - 0.41% w/w
- Serine - 0.80% w/w
- Glicine - 0.57% w/w
- Arginine - 0.96% w/w
- Tyrosine - 0.15% w/w
- Methionine - <0.09% w/w
- Isoleucine - 0,31% p/p
- Lisine - 0.33% w/w
- Proline - 0.81% w/w
- Glutamic acid - 1.96% w/p
- Histidine - 0.10% w/w
- Threonine - 0.40% w/w
- Alanine - 0.42 % w/w
- Valine - 0.34% w/w
- Fenilalanine - 0.18% w/w
- Leucine - 0, 30% w/w
- Hydroxyproline - 0.05% w/w
- aminobutyric acid < 0.08% w/
Microelements contained in Delta 8:
- Boron - 257.6 ppm
- Cobalt - 291.4 ppm
- Copper - 289.7 ppm
- Manganese - 348.2 ppm
- Molybdenum - 215.1 ppm
- Zinc - 229.4 ppm
- Iron - 210.5 ppm
Delta 8 also includes the following list of suitable NPK for the flowering period of Marijuana plants:
- Aminopurines.
- Polymeric complexes of low molecular weight.
- Bio-activators translocation.
- Enzymes
- Carboxylic acids.
- Humic and fulvic acids.