Alien OG is a feminized indica Marijuana strain that combines the best of OG with fast flowering. High yielder and powerful high.
Alien OG is a feminized indica Marijuana strain being basically the famous Alien Kush clone, originally released by Obsol33 under the label of The Cali Connection. Alien Kush stands out for being a very potent Afghan plant. This time, we cross it with our original Tahoe OG Kush. For that we use the male of Alien Kush and crossed it with the female of Tahoe with the aim of creating this F1 hybrid. It is beautiful and harbors features from another planet.
Alien OG holds the best of both worlds, it is a specimen with OG Kush taste and with high yields. Besides that, it also has a fast flowering period thanks to Alien Kush.
The plant of Alien OG reaches moderate sizes, are hardy and has a low to moderate internodal distance. It develops large and wide leaves and produces 450 gr / m2 on indoors. In the outside, its production can exceed the kilogram per plant.
As referred above, Alien OG has a fast flowering period: in a growing room it will be ready for harvest after 60 or 65 days although there is a phenotype that is collected in as little as 58 days. In the garden, you will be able to collect it two or three weeks after the end of summer.
Alien OG has taste mainly citric bearing several different background touches reminiscent of kerosene, berries and spices.
This strain provides a clearly narcotic, intense, powerful ad durable effect not being recommended for first-timers It can also be medicinally used for relaxing the body and mind or to treat insomnia.
Genotype: índica
Genetic: Tahoe Og Kush x Alien Kush
THC: High
CBD: unknown
Plantation: Spring on outdoors or all year on indoors.
Flowering: 58-65 days on indoors. 2 or 3 weeks after the end of summer.
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