The seeds of marijuana Do-si-dos Cookies auto are the automatic sister of the American genetics with the same name presented by this bank. Up to 22% THC, unique taste and unbeatable price are its strongest points.
The feminised Do-si-dos Cookies autoflowering seeds arrive directly from the 00 Seeds bank to our store and were obtained from the crossing of the Do-si-dos Cookies from this bank with an autoflowering one. Thus, this strain presents the potency and unique taste of its feminized sister but will take about 90 days from germination to harvest.
Do-si-dos Cookies Auto gives rise to medium sized plants, which can reach up to 90 centimeters indoors and no more than 130cm outdoors. Its structure is very similar to that of its feminized sister and at the end of flowering it will also present the characteristic lime-green color typical of Do-si-dos genetics.
Do-si-dos Cookies Auto presents an average performance. Indoors, with grow lights, it can reach 500 grams per square meter while outdoors, with the help of sunlight, its yield should not exceed 100 grams per plant.
The effect offered by Do-si-dos Cookies Auto is very balanced and powerful, mainly due to its 22% THC. Ideal for use at the end of the day, this plant offers a relaxing and brain-stimulating body effect at the same time.
The aroma and flavor of Do-si-dos Cookies Auto is very similar to that of its feminized sister, incorporating some exclusive nuances. For that reason we can indicate that it is complex and in it you can find touches of wet earth, sweets, pine and menthol.
Do-si-dos Cookies Auto is very easy to grow and adapts to all environments, whether coconut, hydroponic or soil.
From germination to harvest is a plant that takes between 80 and 90 days, both indoors and outdoors.
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