The Auto Kong 4 strain from the Paradise Seeds seedbank is the best choice for those growers who are looking for a powerful and productive autoflowering Cannabis strain with very stable genetics.
The Auto Kong 4 marijuana strain is one of the new Paradise Seeds 2020 releases for this year. This strain belongs to the Chong's Choice range, a strains line produced jointly by Paradise Seeds breeders with the cannabis myth Tommy Chong.
Paradise Seeds' Auto Kong 4 is a non photodependent hybrid strain, 60% of its genes are of Indian origin and the remaining 40% is Sativa mixed with Ruderalis. This strain combines a strong effect with high yield like very few autoflowering plants. It has an average height ranging from 120 to 150 cm.
To create this strain, the best specimens of the Paradise Seeds Gorilla Glue, known as GG4, have been genetically selected. This is a strain with clear characteristics of marijuana from California, mainly due to its great resin production.
After 4 selected generations of GG4, the Paradise Seeds breeders combined the result with one of their most special autoflowering plants, the Pandora. This allowed Auto Kong 4 to not depend on a specific light cycle to flower and gave it a lot of resistance.
The buds production of Auto Kong 4 is high. Under optimal growing conditions you can get up to more than 100 grams per plant outdoors. On the other hand if you grow indoors you can get up to 450 grams harvest per square meter.
Like good hybrid marijuana, Auto Kong 4 has balanced effect. First of all, this strain gives off euphoric effects and a lot of energy. Over time, the effects will become calmer and end up in a relaxing cloud that's perfect for disconnecting from day-to-day life. In tests, this strain achieves THC percentages of between 16 and 20%.
The terpenic profile of Auto Kong 4 is very special, it should be noted that to create this strain, specimens were selected that have very complex flavours. Mainly you can perceive sweet fruity and exquisite citrus flavours.
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