Sale of the BAC Soil Grow 1-Component fertilizer from BAC, full NPK mineral fertilizer that includes everything needed for incredible growth at a very economical price.
During the growth phase it is necessary to provide with the best and most complete nutrients. For this reason, at Experiencia Natural we offer you the BAC Soil Grow 1-component growth fertilizer, an all-in-one NPK fertilizer with an unbeatable price/quality ratio.
The BAC Soil Grow growth fertilizer comes with the most appropriate proportions of NPK macro elements, in the form of nitrates and oxides, which guarantee the best results.
BAC Soil Grow 1-component fertilizers can be used with the BAC enhancers, such as the incredible Root Stimulator (for better root growth) and with Silica Power (which helps make the stems stronger and more resistant).
Bac Soil Grow 1-component comes ready to use mixed with the irrigation water. The only thing to bear in mind when using this fertilizer is that it does not have any added calcium, as this nutrient would make the whole mixture precipitate. Therefore, for ideal results, BAC recommends adds calcium to the mix too.
Dilute 2.5-5 ml of BAC Soil Grow in the irrigation water. Start with 2.5 ml/L and increase to a maximum of 5 ml/L.
Only use in irrigation and never in spraying.
It is not recommended using it hydroponic systems.
NPK: 7-1-4
6.5% total nitrogen (N), of which 5.7% nitrogen nitrate (NO3) and 0.8% ammonium nitrogen (NH4)
0.4% water-soluble phosphorus oxide (P2O5)
3.8% water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O)
It's usually purchased with
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