NeemPro is an organic insecticide. It prevents and eliminates pests such as spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, mites, aphids and other insects that attack plants.
NeemPro is an organic, non-toxic insecticide. NeemPro produces no residues anywhere on plants and is qualified as an 100% organic product.
Promotes organic plant processes, NeemPro has a marked insecticidal effect against pests in all parts of the plant. In addition, NeemPro controls the metamorphosis processes of the pests, breaking their life cycle.
Neem does not harm other beneficial or neutral organisms that can be found naturally in gardens with a rich biodiversity.
Neem oil avoids the use of chemical or toxic products in the garden, making it a more natural and environmentally and health friendly remedy.
The active ingredient of NeemPro is azadirachtin, which acts against pest insects and also breaks their life cycle, preventing them from reproducing.
Neem is totally biodegradable, it is not toxic for humans or animals.
NeemPro prevents and eliminates pests of:
Red spider mite
NeemPro is estimated to be effective against more than 200 species of harmful insects and mites, such as suckers, chewers, borers, borers. NeemPro is suitable for all types of crops, both outdoors and in greenhouses.
Foliar application: 3 ml / litre of water. As a cure: Every 7 days for two weeks. As a preventive: one application every 15 days during the whole crop.
Apply during low light hours.
In flowering plants, stop applying 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting.
This oil curdles at 15 degrees, so we recommend storing it in a place with room temperature above 25 degrees to keep it in a liquid state.
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