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Sale of cheap LED MINI cabinet kit for indoor growing, now with 150W LED, savings and performance. This set has all the necessary products to have a 80x80cm culture, includes a cabinet size 80x80x160cm and the rest of high quality equipment.

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This pack contains


Cheap MINI LED grow kit 

The Mammoth LED grow tent kit 80x80x160cm for sale, here you can get all the products you need to start your personal indoor grow at the best price.

The MINI cheap LED grow tent kit with cabinet includes all the necessary accessories to start growing with the most efficient lights on the market and save money. LED panels save so much light consumption that their cost is amortized in one year.

All the components that make up this LED kit with cabinet are of high quality and at a good price.

By including a high quality grow tent all cultivation is much easier, as it comes prepared with facilities such as a place to hang the lighting equipment or extraction sleeves to install the ventilation system and it is easier to make the right climate.

This grow tent includes a 150W PURE LED Q LED panel. It is perfect to efficiently cover the whole grow tent and get the highest optimised performance.

It also includes a T125mm in-line extractor fan of great value for money, with sufficient power for the needs of this grow tent. The tube for exhausting the used air is also included.

We add the time programmer, the digital thermohygrometer, the pulleys, the vouchers, pots, meters, everything you need to start growing.

This LED Kit with grow tent 150w includes the following products:

1x Top brand 80x80x160cm cabinet

1x LED Panel PURE LED Q 150W

1x ATAMI fertilizer pack (3 bottles)

1x Analogue time programmer

1x Flexible aluminium tube 125mm of 1metro

1x Digital thermo-hygrometer with memory of maximum and minimum temperatures

1x Helicoidal extractor T 125mm of 190m3/hour of power

1x Measuring pipette

9X 3.6 litre pots

10x jiffys

1x Gifts


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