Attaching a Super-Spreader diffuser to our Adjust-a-Wing allows us to have the bulb at half normal distance from the plants, which guarantees a 30% increase in yield.
This Spreader can be used with any kind of cultivation lamp or reflector and removes "hot spots". This Super Spreader is able to imrove the performance of any HID horizontal lamp.
Increases the amplitude of the lamplight.
Removes"hot spots" and the darker crop edges
· It offers a strong plant growth.
· Improves the intensity of light without burning.
· With it you can approach the lamp to the plants.
· Suitbale for any lamp or reflector.
Available in 2 different sizes, one for the Adjust a Wing medium and other for the large.
APPLICATION: All types of indoor cultivation using Adjust-a-Wing reflector.
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