Auto Kaya 47 is a hybrid autoflowering strain of Marijuana that was created from a cross between Kaya 47 and a ruderalis genetics. It is very resistant to fungus and has a good productivity if treated correctly.
Auto Kaya 47 is a hybrid automatic strain that was created from a cross between Kaya 47 and a ruderalis genetics. The result is a medium high plant reaching 60-70cm tall in indoors and 60-120cm high in outdoors. Since it branches much it is able to offer high productions if treated correctly.
It is collectec in about 70-80 days yielding up to 400g per square meter of sweet, fruity and delicious Marijuana. The effect it gives is quite light thus being ideal to be smoked during the day.
It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor growings. However, and considering that this specimen is mildew resistant, it can be better grown in the garden.
As in all autoflowering strains we recommend to sow in the final pot in order to avoid transplant and get bigger plants.
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