Auto Mass Marijuana is an autoflowering strain, the result of the intersection between Critical Mass and Lowryder. Of note it is the mother of other varieties from Grass-O-Matic like Maxi Gom. Same effect and aroma than Critical Mass but with a much faster flowering cycle.
Auto Mass is an automatic strain of Cannabis, caming from the nterbreeding between Critical Mass and Lowryder. Furthermore, it is also the source of other popular strains of Grass-O-Matic such as Maxi Gom.
As referred above, Auto Mass retains the ingincredible psychoactive effect and the delicious fruity aroma of Critical Mass but flourishes in only 60-65 days. Thus, this strain is considered to be the fastest strain from the entire Critical family in the market.
Auto Mass stands out for being very aromatic and productive, for being fungal resistant and for developing correctly in any culture environment - all of this make happy every grower.
Auto Mass harbors 2 phenotypes. The dominant phenotype results in medium-sized plants that do not grow taller than one meter and stay pretty compact with limited branching and the buds fully covering the main stem. This phenotype develops its full potential in indoor and in SoG and SCRoG. The other phenotype develops in a taller and more opened branched plant that produce rounded and heavy sticky buds.
In both cases, however, the aroma is intense and unmistakable: a delicious macedonia tropical fragrance with an exotic spicy touch that gives an irresistible exotic character accompanying a quite potent effect you will not forget. After waiting approximately 65 days, you can harvest yields of between 30-70 grams per plant.
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