Voodoo Juice is a fertilizer by Advanced Nutrients that boosts especially the roots. It contains 5 different varieties of microbes making the plant to potentiate its nutrient uptake and to grow stronger. A magical juice for your indoor and outdoor plants!
Voodoo Juice by Advanced Nutrients is a fertilizer for indoor and outdoor plants that boosts especially the roots. It contains 5 different varieties of microbes making the plant to potentiate its nutrient uptake and to grow stronger. A magical juice for your indoor and outdoor plants!
Besides that, these microbes enable a better aeration of the roots thus allowing the plant to breathe better as well having a greater capability of absorbing the oxygen available, while absorbing and fixing the nitrogen on the soil and also to have better access to phosphorus.
Voodoo Juice was created by Advanced Nutrients. For this, they hired 2 of the best famous doctors in microbiology in the world and gave them a large team of scientists and researchers. This large team continues to do experiments and research to improve a product developed and supervised exclusively by Advanced Nutrients.
The formula Voodoo Juice is constituted by dormant microbes that are activated by contact with water being able to colonize the entire plant and to boost the growth of the roots.
With larger and more powerful roots, the plant is able to better absorbing the nutrients and make its internal processes more efficiently thus growing stronger and giving better yields. In some strains, the application of Voodoo Juice can cause an increase of the root mass of up to 90%.
Voodoo Juice is suitable for hydroponics, soil or aero. We recommend aerating the water from the solution 30 minutes before using it to prevent killing any microbes due to lack of oxygenation. Do not apply Voodoo Juice with HY-OX since such combination can destroy the beneficial microbes.
From Advanced Nutrients.
NPK: 2-1-4.
Dosage: 2ml/litre.
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